Partnership agreement to benefit relationship with local governments

Joint news release with the Association of Yukon Communities

Minister of Community Services John Streicker and Association of Yukon Communities (AYC) president Tara Wheeler signed a partnership agreement on September 29, 2018. The agreement sets the foundation for how the territorial government and AYC will work together over the next three years, based on principles of fairness, cooperation and collaboration.

The partnership agreement will promote engagement and cooperation between the two entities, foster timely and meaningful consultation on matters of mutual concern for the benefit of all Yukoners, and identify areas where there can be enhanced cooperation and collaboration. To ensure a one government approach, the principles and commitments contained in the partnership agreement are being shared with all Yukon government departments.

The agreement was signed at the municipal gala, an event held every three years in advance of local elections. The gala is an opportunity to celebrate the hard work of the local governments in Yukon’s municipalities and local advisory areas.

Elections for municipal government and local advisory councils will take place on October 18, with an advance poll in all communities on October 11.

It is extremely important to all Yukoners that we maintain a strong working relationship between our government and municipalities. By working closely with AYC we have achieved a lot in a short period of time and we look forward to continued work on shared priorities like solid waste, infrastructure and land development.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

Gathering together at this gala where contributions of elected officials are recognized and celebrated by the Government of Yukon, and signing an agreement that acknowledges the importance of a strong working relationship between the Government of Yukon and the Association of Yukon Communities, speaks to how we can work together when sincere efforts are pointed in the same direction.

Association of Yukon Communities president Tara Wheeler

Quick facts
  • Earlier this year, the Comprehensive Municipal Grant was updated to provide predictable, sustainable funding to Yukon municipalities for the next five years. As part of the update, the $50,000 Structural Fire Supplement became a permanent part of the grant.

  • The Government of Yukon, AYC and City of Whitehorse are working on recommendations to improve the territory’s solid waste management system based on recommendations from the joint Ministerial Committee on Solid Waste.

  • As announced at the 2018 AYC Annual General Meeting, municipalities will be included in the Government of Yukon's carbon pricing rebate framework.

  • This year the Yukon Housing Corporation allocated $1 million in grant funding to continue the Municipal Matching Rental Construction Program, which matches contributions from municipal governments that allow the construction of new rental units across Yukon.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Diana Dryburgh
Communications, Community Services

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