The Government of Yukon is launching a new Back to School Road Safety Campaign featuring a safety message for students and pedestrians.
The campaign reminds children how to cross a street safely by stopping and looking both ways before using a crosswalk. Highly visible painted messaging is being applied at crosswalks near eight elementary schools throughout the Whitehorse area.
Most children will cross by the message at least twice per day. The repeated exposure will help them internalize the message. The painted sidewalks also place the reminder where it’s needed most: right at students’ feet, before they cross the road safely.
Students’ safety is a priority for Yukoners. These markings are designed to educate students on how to safely use a crosswalk. Everyone, including pedestrians and motorists, needs to work together to ensure the safe travel to our destinations each morning as we go into a new school year.
Crosswalks at the following schools will feature this messaging: École Émilie-Tremblay, Elijah Smith Elementary, Grey Mountain Primary, Holy Family Elementary, Jack Holland Elementary, Selkirk Elementary, Takhini Elementary and Whitehorse Elementary.
Crosswalks selected for this safety messaging must be concrete-to-concrete crossings located in the vicinity of the school.
Stewart Burnett
Cabinet Communications
Brittany Cross
Communications, Highways and Public Works