Owner’s Advisor contract awarded for Whistle Bend elementary school

Colliers Project Leaders has been awarded the Owner’s Advisor contract for the Whistle Bend elementary school. The contract will be awarded in four phases with the first phase worth $145,619. The total value of the contract is $765,225.

Colliers Project Leaders will work with the Government of Yukon to develop the conceptual design and tender documents for the school’s design-build contract, as well as provide technical advisory services during the detailed design, construction and warranty phases.

The elementary school is the first planned in Whitehorse in more than 20 years and will accommodate up to 425 Kindergarten to Grade 7 students from Whistle Bend and the surrounding areas.

The Whistle Bend elementary school will provide a community focal point for this vibrant young Whitehorse neighbourhood. Our government looks forward to issuing the design-build contract for this project in fall.

Minister of Highways and Public Works Richard Mostyn

Planning for the new Whistle Bend elementary school is part of our work to modernize learning spaces in Yukon schools to support flexible and hands-on learning. As we work with the Owner’s Advisor, we will continue to collaborate with partners and representatives through a Project Advisory Committee until an attendance area and council have been established for the new school.

Minister of Education Tracy-Anne McPhee

Quick facts
  • The tender for the design-build contract for this project is anticipated to take place in fall 2020.

  • Colliers Project Leaders, operating out of Whitehorse, will advise the owner on the project for the duration of the school’s design and construction, through to the end of the warranty on the school.

  • To inform decisions as planning for the school progresses, the Government of Yukon is working with representatives from the local school communities, Yukon First Nations, the City of Whitehorse and the Whistle Bend community through a Project Advisory Committee.

Media contact

Stewart Burnett
Cabinet Communications

Oshea Jephson
Communications, Highways and Public Works

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