Six Yukon-based organizations will receive funding over the next two years to help prevent violence against Indigenous women and girls. A total of $200,000 from the Prevention of Violence against Aboriginal Women fund (PVAAW) will be split between these community organizations and their designated projects:
- Yukon Aboriginal Women’s Council – Sally and Sisters/Soeurs
- Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre – Safe Place
- Champagne and Aishihik First Nation – Women's Circles for Connection
- Kluane First Nation – Women’s Land Based, Traditional and Community Healing: Regaining Our Voices and Telling Our Stories
- Teen Parent Access to Education Society – Elder in the School
- Watson Lake Elders Society – Rising Above Violence
These organizations aim to address and prevent violence against Indigenous women and girls through various initiatives, including the creation of safe spaces and projects centred on healing and cultural integration.
The Prevention of Violence against Aboriginal Women Fund is administered through the Government of Yukon Women’s Directorate, which supports women’s and equality-seeking organizations. Projects are assessed by an independent adjudication panel of Indigenous women.
Our government is proud to support grassroots organizations and First Nations governments in creating community-led solutions to violence against Indigenous women and girls. We are committed to continuing to work with our community partners and First Nations governments to make existing funding for the prevention of violence more readily accessible to communities.
The Prevention of Violence against Aboriginal Women Fund (PVAAW) was developed in 2004 to provide financial support to Indigenous women’s organizations, registered societies, and First Nations governments in recognition that there are disproportionate rates of violence experienced by Indigenous women and girls.
Applicants can apply for up to $25,000 for a one-year project or $50,000 for a two-year project.
Projects are assessed by an independent adjudication panel of Indigenous women, based on the criteria of the fund.
Recipients of the 2021 Prevention of Violence against Aboriginal Women fund:
1. Yukon Aboriginal Women’s Council – Sally and Sisters/Soeurs
2021 to 2023 - $50,000
Sally and Sisters/Soeurs provides a welcoming, safe and sober space with hot meals for women and their children twice per week over the lunch hour. This service is the result of women and women with children not feeling comfortable or safe attending emergency food programs currently offered. The lunch program also provides a platform and network of safety and support for women in a non-threatening space to seek referrals to services.
Contact: Claudia Riveros – 867-667-6162
2. Victoria Faulkner Women’s Centre – Safe Place
2021 to 2023 - $50,000
Safe Place offers low barrier after-hours and weekend facilitated drop-in programming with nutritious meals for women and their children. This program aims to support marginalized women and their children experiencing precarious housing, food insecurity and/or struggling with mental health in Whitehorse. The program staff respond to the needs expressed by the participants and provide referrals to appropriate services, support and safety.
Contact: Sofia Ashley – 867-667-2693
3. Champagne and Aishihik First Nation – Women's Circles for Connection in Haines
Junction and Takhini
2021 to 2022 - $25,000
This one-year project offers woman’s circles in Haines Junction and the Takhini River Subdivision for women to create social connections and seek support. Each evening includes facilitated programming to focus on mind, body, spirit, social and emotional aspects of participants, including hands on skills such as harvesting, preparing the harvest, crafts, arts and traditional skills. The program provides a place for Indigenous women to come together, share challenges, enjoy the warmth of community, learn and share new skills, build trust, and increase communication between the women of the community.
Contact: Nataschaa Chatterton – 867-335-4469
4. Kluane First Nation – Women’s Land Based, Traditional and Community Healing:
Regaining Our Voices and Telling Our Stories
2021 to 2022 - $25,000
This project is designed to build long-term support, safety and skills for the women and families of the Kluane First Nation. A summer camp is followed by a year of weekly dinners, healing circles and traditional arts and crafts. At the program closing, Kluane will host a camp to come together for next steps, sharing of findings, closing activities and a celebration.
Contact: Tralee MacDonald – 867-841-4274 Ext. 253
5. Teen Parent Access to Education Society – Elder in the School
2021 to 2022 - $25,000
This program provides an opportunity for students to spend time with an Elder by offering an Elder in the School one day per week. With the Elder, students learn a wide range of skills that promote personal growth and confidence, including developing hands-on skills and involvement in projects. The goal is to foster and adapt these planning skills to other areas of their lives in order to build success.
Contact: Kris Bruneau – 867-667-3421
6. Watson Lake Elders Society – Rising Above Violence
2021 to 2022 - $25,000
This program offers monthly luncheons for Aboriginal women to gather, share space and teach/learn about violence towards Aboriginal women and how this issue can be mitigated in the community of Watson Lake. Awareness and educational components follow the lunch sessions. Participants have the opportunity to be involved in teaching and learning experiences focusing on topics such as: understanding the face of violence, self confidence, personal power, self esteem, and counselling opportunities. Discussions include understanding systemic violence, the impacts of residential schools and discussion on emotional regulation. The program also provides an opportunity for First Nations and other men to have a regularly scheduled drop-in support program related to alcohol and drug abuse reduction.
Contact: Reverend Debbra Greig – 867-667-3421
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Alex Hill
Communications, Women’s Directorate