Online meetings now supported for annual general meetings under the Civil Emergency Measures Act

Yukon’s societies, business corporations and cooperatives can now hold their official meetings online with electronic and teleconferencing technology.

Last week, Community Services extended the deadlines for AGMs as an interim measure. A Ministerial Order under the Civil Emergency Measures Act (CEMA) issued today provides additional flexibility for groups wishing to hold annual general meetings (AGMs) right away. Depending upon organizations’ articles, bylaws and partnership agreements, the current COVID19 ban on gatherings of more than 10 people can impede businesses, societies and other organizations from holding AGMs as required by the current legislation governing them.

This order broadens the options for organizations to hold AGMs, regardless of specific provisions in their bylaws or partnership agreements.

This order is effective retroactively to March 17, 2020. It continues for 90 days past the end of the COVID-19 state of emergency for organizations governed by the Societies Act and Cooperative Associations Act. The order extends for 30 days after the end of the emergency for organizations governed by the Partnership and Business Names Act and the Business Corporations Act

We continue to respond to the needs of Yukoners. The need for in-person meetings can be a significant barrier to businesses and societies during the COVID19 pandemic. They can now hold their regulated meetings, including annual general meetings, electronically or by teleconference. For instance, societies will be able to hold their mandatory annual general meetings and submit their approved year-end reports and financial statements to remain in compliance with the Societies Act and receive funding. We made the order retroactive to support any society or business, which has already held their AGM online in good faith.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

Quick facts
  • Organizations and corporations can plan ahead to review and consider updating their bylaws to allow for the usage of technology during meetings, even after the expiration date of the interim order.

  • If organizations and corporations decide not to make these updates, they must follow the existing provisions set out by their respective statutes, regulations, articles, bylaws and partnership agreements.

  • The Minister of Community Services has issued a Ministerial Order (2020/24) under the Civil Emergency Measures Act. It empowers Deputy Ministers to adjust certain timelines for organizations affected by COVID-19 restrictions and orders. Under the authority of this Ministerial Order, the Deputy Minister of Community Services directed that, effective March 17, 2020, deadlines under the Cooperative Associations Act, Societies Act are extended for 90 days until after the end of the COVID-19 state of emergency. The deadline is extended for 30 days for the Partnership and Business Names Act and Business Corporations Act.

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Bonnie Venton Ross
Communications, Community Services

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