October 7, 2021: public exposure notifications

The Yukon’s acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott has issued a COVID-19 public exposure notice for the following:

Airport Chalet Restaurant and Lounge
Saturday, October 2 and Sunday, October 3
Between 1:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.

Anyone at this location on either of these dates is asked to self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days, through to October 17 inclusive, and to arrange for testing if they to develop any symptoms, no matter how mild.

An exposure notice was also issued to students and staff in a Grade 4/5/6 split at Elijah Smith School in Whitehorse for October 1. Yukon Communicable Disease Control has issued specific information to those affected.

If symptoms appear, self-isolate, remain at home and arrange to get tested either by calling 867-393-3083 or booking a test online. Rural Yukon residents should contact their community health centre to arrange for testing.

Media contact

Patricia Living
Communications, Health and Social Services

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