New works selected for Yukon Permanent Art Collection

The Government of Yukon is pleased to announce the selection of 11 new artworks for inclusion in the Yukon Permanent Art Collection.

The new additions showcase an array of stylistic approaches and themes through a wide range of media including sculpture, textile, painting, drawing and printmaking.

The works were selected through the annual call for submissions process held by the Government of Yukon and the Friends of Yukon Permanent Art Collection. This year 68 artists submitted 144 works of art for consideration.

A public exhibition to officially unveil the new artwork will be held this fall.

I am honoured to announce 11 exciting new additions to the Yukon Permanent Art Collection. These compelling artworks reflect the richness and diversity of Yukon visual art and mark captivating chapters in the ongoing story being recorded by Yukon’s artistic community.

Minister of Tourism and Culture Jeanie Dendys

This year’s call for submissions received an impressive response from across the territory and beyond. Featuring new types of media and many artists new to the collection, the selected works reflect the amazing growth of the Yukon art community in recent years.

Friends of Yukon Permanent Art Collection President Katie Newman

My piece, Ice, is one part of an exploration of the powerful movement of ice on the Stewart River that provided a welcome connection to my home when I was living far across the country. I am truly excited and honoured that this print will be included in the presence of so much impressive artwork. I share this place with many talented artists who each are affected by their culture, history and surroundings in distinct and important ways.

Artist Virginia Mitford

Quick facts
  • The new acquisitions are the work of Yukon artists Kaylyn Baker, Dan Brown Hozjan, Sho Sho Esquiro, Theodore Jim, Joanne Love, Rebekah Miller, Virginia Mitford, Sandra Storey, Anne Tayler, Pam Van Kampen and Alainnah Whachell.

  • Friends of Yukon Permanent Art Collection is a non-profit society made up of artists, art professionals and community members dedicated to the continued growth of the collection.

  • Works from the collection are displayed in public areas of government buildings in Whitehorse, Dawson, Faro, Haines Junction and Mayo. They are also periodically displayed in special curated exhibitions produced by Tourism and Culture’s Arts Section or through loans to other institutions.

  • There are currently over 450 art works by more than 240 artists in the collection.

  • The deadline and parameters for the 2020 call for submissions will be announced late 2019.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Cameron Webber
Communications, Tourism and Culture

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