New Whistle Bend lots to be available for 2018 building season

The Government of Yukon is releasing 80 lots in Whistle Bend, including townhouse, multi-family and residential lots, to builders and the public by lottery and public tender.

The land sale will take place on April 5, in time for the 2018 building season. Tender bids and lottery applications will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 3.

This release of building lots continues the government’s efforts to increase land and housing availability to support healthy and vibrant communities.

New lots in Whistle Bend will meet the demand for housing opportunities in Whitehorse while creating opportunities for local contractors and tradespeople. We will continue to work with municipalities, communities and the private sector to address the land development needs of Yukoners.

Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources Ranj Pillai

Making land available to Yukoners is one way to ease housing pressures across the territory.  The release of new Whistle Bend lots is the product of years of hard work and cooperation with the City of Whitehorse. We look forward to continue partnering with municipalities to create housing opportunities for Yukoners.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

Quick facts
  • Since its first phase in 2012, Whistle Bend has provided over 350 building lots for Yukon homes.

  • For the April 5, 2018, land sale, six townhouse sites consisting of 20 lots will be offered through public tender, three multi-family lots will be offered through a public tender and 10 restricted residential lots and 47 residential lots will be offered through a lottery.

  • Construction of Phases 3D and 3E, which will include nine multi-family lots, 35 commercial lots and two parking garages, is expected to begin early this summer and go to lottery in spring 2019.

  • Construction of Phase 4 is well underway and it is anticipated that an additional 196 lots will be released in spring or early summer of 2019.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Rod Jacob
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources

Diana Dryburgh
Communications, Community Services

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