New orders under Civil Emergency Measures Act come into force

Three new Ministerial Orders under the Civil Emergency Measures Act are now in force that will allow government to be responsive to the evolving state of emergency in Yukon.

The orders:

  • Suspend limitation periods, under Yukon law, for civil and family actions that would have expired during the state of emergency or within the 30 days after the state of emergency ends. The limitation periods will now expire 90 days after the state of emergency ends. The same extension will apply to the initiation of prosecutions under Yukon law.
  • Allow judges and other statutory decision-makers, operating under Yukon law, to waive, suspend or extend the time periods as they deem necessary; for up to 90 days after the state of emergency.
  • Provide a 30-day extension on affidavits or statutory declarations required under Yukon law, where an affidavit or statutory declaration would have normally been due during or up to 10 days after the state of emergency ends. Deputy ministers will have authority to specify circumstances where the extension to affidavits or statutory declarations will not apply.
  • Provide authority for deputy ministers to alter the terms of Government of Yukon contracts in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Provide deputy ministers with the authority to extend leases, licences, certificates, permits and other approvals issued under Yukon law for up to 90 days after the state of emergency ends.
  • Enable deputy ministers to extend legislative timelines set out in Yukon laws for up to 90 days after the state of emergency ends.

These orders are intended to reduce the burden on organizations, businesses, governments and individuals facing challenges meeting legislative timelines and contractual obligations as a result of COVID-19 related factors.

We recognize that individuals, businesses, governments and others may not be able to meet certain legislated timelines and contractual obligations in light of the current emergency for a variety of reasons such as illness, the requirement to self-isolate, employment or financial situations. These Ministerial Orders are responsive to the needs of Yukoners during this challenging time and will provide the flexibility we need. Our government will continue to provide relief, support and guidance through this state of emergency.

Minister of Justice Tracy-Anne McPhee

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Patricia Randell
Communications, Justice

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