New investment and engagement activities to improve services in Yukon parks and campgrounds

The Government of Yukon is investing $1 million to improve camping opportunities for Yukoners and visitors this year.

This funding is part of a multi-year plan to expand campground infrastructure and replace aging infrastructure in Yukon territorial parks. It will be used toward facilities such as trails, signage, playgrounds, outhouses and improving universal access.

The Government of Yukon will also reach out to users of Yukon’s parks this spring as a part of the Talking Yukon Parks public engagement to develop a Yukon parks strategy. The strategy will establish a vision and map a long-term direction to address evolving demands and expectations of Yukon’s system of parks, campgrounds and recreation sites.

Information on Talking Yukon Parks activities and how you can provide feedback is available at

Improving our campground infrastructure and developing a strategy for the future of our parks will help increase campsite availability and opportunities for all Yukoners to enjoy the outdoors. I encourage everyone to go a little further this year to discover parts of the Yukon they may not have known existed before.

Minister of Environment Pauline Frost

Quick facts
  • Yukon Parks aims to replace all 14 playgrounds in the parks system within five years.

  • Yukon Parks aims to have a universal access site in all campgrounds within five years. These will feature hard packed surfaces, accessible tables, firepits and direct access to campground facilities – such as firewood boxes and outhouses.

  • Yukon has 57 territorial parks, including road-accessible 42 campgrounds, 11 day-use recreation sites, and spectacular parks like Tombstone, Herschel Island-Qikiqtaruk and Kusawa. More than 1,000 campsites are maintained within the territorial parks, which are used by Yukoners and visitors.

  • The successful Undiscovered Campgrounds campaign from 2017 will be back in 2018. This campaign encourages Yukoners and visitors to seek out those campgrounds that are lesser known to find their “un” – unrivalled, uncrowded, unexpected, unreal, unscripted – in campgrounds across the territory.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Sophie Best
Communications, Environment

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