A new Innovation Commission has been formed to provide technical and professional input on the development of a five-year innovation strategy to expand opportunities for local entrepreneurs, diversify the economy and create jobs.
The volunteer working group will advise on topics such as attracting start-ups, building a digital ecosystem, and fostering innovation and sharing networks across communities. The Commission will also provide input on challenges to establishing innovative businesses, practices and products in the territory.
Innovation Commission members were chosen for their experience, diversity and interest in innovation, technology and entrepreneurship, both within the Yukon and across the world. The Commission’s work will be informed by the newly released Yukon Innovation Plan What We Heard report, which documents feedback received during public engagement in 2020. The Commission held its first meeting earlier this month, and will continue to meet throughout fall 2021.
Commission members:
- Cherish Clarke, Digital Engine Technology
- Norm Fraser, SoftIron
- Astrid Grawehr, Kryotek Arctic Innovation Inc.
- Véro Herry, Startup Palace
- John Jensen, MGrid Energy
- Chris Lane, Make IT Solutions; Northmark Ventures; TechYukon
- David Larkin, Northmark Ventures
- Patrick Lor, Panache Ventures
- Thomas Park, BDC Deep Tech Fund
- Bernd Petak, Northmark Ventures
- Inga Petri, Strategic Moves
- Curtis Shaw, NorthwesTel
- Melaina Sheldon, Melaina Sheldon Consulting
- Micheal Mooney, Creative Lab North
- Alexandra Greenhill, Careteam Technologies Inc.
Thank you to the Commission members for contributing their deep knowledge and experience from across the spectrum of innovation, including the not-for-profit sector, Silicon Valley, investment community and energy sector. The Commission’s input will help shape our innovation strategy as we focus on growing our tech and innovation sector and diversifying our economy. Innovation will create more local opportunities and career choices and support talented Yukoners to reach their aspirations here at home.
The Yukon has the potential to punch well above its weight when it comes to innovation. Looking at how we can achieve that together is the work of the Innovation Commission. The Commission brings a diverse, experienced group of commissioners and advisors together who each work at the forefront of innovation in their fields, and who bring First Nations, local, national and international perspectives to our task of advising the Yukon government on its Innovation Strategy.
Yukoners are invited to share their thoughts on what should be included in an innovation strategy, or topics that the Commission should consider, by email to innovation.commission@yukon.ca.
The Yukon technology sector’s contribution to the territorial economy grew an average of 11 per cent per year over the past three years.
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Damian Topps
Communications, Economic Development