Students in Grades 11 and 12 will start using the new school curriculum in all Yukon schools this fall.
Yukon’s modernized program is based on B.C.’s new school curriculum with adaptations to fit the territory’s northern context. These adaptations include Yukon First Nations’ ways of knowing and doing which will be embedded into curriculum for all grades.
Kindergarten to Grade 9 classes started using the new curriculum during the 2017–18 school year and Grade 10 classes started in 2018–19. This will be the first time all grades follow the new curriculum in Yukon, which will align with B.C,’s curriculum implementation schedule.
Yukon is also following the same implementation schedule as B.C. for new provincial assessments. The numeracy assessment for Grade 10 was introduced in June 2018, while the literacy assessment for Grade 10 will be introduced this year, and the literacy assessment for Grade 12 in January 2021.
Students are more deeply connected to what they learn when it is engaging and reflects the experiences of their communities. All Yukon students will now be learning from a more modern, more relevant and more student-centred curriculum with hands-on learning opportunities that incorporate Yukon First Nations language, history and culture. The new curriculum will help ensure Yukon students are equipped with the skills and knowledge to thrive in their lives and careers.
In October 2017, B.C. announced that the implementation of the Grade 11 and 12 curriculum would begin in 2019–20 in response to feedback from educators and post-secondary institutions.
The focus of the new curriculum is moving to skills development such as literacy (reading, writing, speaking), numeracy (math, problem-solving), communication (critical and creative thinking), and personal-social responsibility.
The new curriculum includes more hands-on learning, finance and career education in all grades.
The new graduation numeracy and literacy assessments replace the old B.C. Provincial Exams.
Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications
Kyle Nightingale
Communications, Education