New banners unveiled for National Tourism Week

A new series of banners featuring the artwork of six Yukon artists were unveiled in Whitehorse today in recognition of National Tourism Week.

The banners welcome visitors and showcase the talents of the territory’s established and emerging artists. The banners will be displayed outside the six Yukon visitor information centres, at visitor attractions and along roadways throughout the territory.

The selected local artists are Kimberly Edgar, Gorellaume Riocreux, Justien Senoa Wood, Tedd Tucker, Cécile Girard and Marie-Hélène Comeau. Their designs are based on three themes: Only in the Yukon, Natural Wonders and Yukon Gold.

This banner unveiling served as the culmination of the Yukon’s observance of National Tourism Week and was an opportunity for tourism partners to come together to champion and promote the Yukon’s destinations, tourism businesses and employees across the territory.

The Yukon is home to many talented artists and it is always great to see their work showcased in our communities. Their interpretations of this year’s themes reflect the richness of Yukon First Nations culture and history, Yukon’s wilderness and the rich experiences that can be had in our territory. Congratulations to the artists selected and thank you for your contribution that will welcome visitors to the Yukon.

Minister of Tourism and Culture Ranj Pillai

I really enjoyed the process of working on this project. It's really cool to look back on the original rough, messy idea to where it went. To see it evolve from a quick doodle with illegible notes and eraser marks to a large, bright illustration that will be displayed in the community for years is really exciting. Hopefully it will encourage more people to look up and notice the bounty of beautiful birds the Yukon has to offer. 

Yukon artist Tedd Tucker

Quick facts
  • The Department of Tourism and Culture oversees a biennial call for and production of a set of banners by Yukon artists.

  • A jury compromising representatives from the Yukon tourism and arts sectors chose the six designs from 13 submissions last spring.

  • Postcards and stickers with the banner designs and artist information are available at Yukon Visitor Information Centres.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications


Cameron Webber
Communications, Tourism and Culture

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