New Assistant Deputy Minister of First Nations Initiatives hired

Lori Duncan has accepted the new Assistant Deputy Minister of First Nations Initiatives position with the Department of Education.

As the first Assistant Deputy Minister of First Nations Initiatives, Duncan will be working in partnership with all Yukon First Nations on their collective and individual educational priorities, and helping to implement initiatives that support the success of First Nations learners.

Duncan is a member of the Ta’an Kwäch’än Council and brings extensive experience working with Yukon First Nations in partnership with the Government of Canada and Government of Yukon. She has held senior leadership roles as health and wellness director at Carcross/Tagish First Nation and as health and social director at the Council of Yukon First Nations. Duncan has also worked at the national-level including advisory experience with the Assembly of First Nations Chiefs Committee.

Lori Duncan brings a strong background that will help advance important educational partnerships with Yukon First Nations. We are proud to partner with the Council of Yukon First Nations’ Chiefs Committee on Education on this important initiative to advance reconciliation. I look forward to working with Ms. Duncan in this new critical role with the senior management team at the Department of Education.

Minister of Education Tracy-Anne McPhee

The Yukon First Nations Chiefs Committee on Education is very pleased to have this new position filled. We look forward to working with Lori Duncan and working collaboratively with Yukon Government and Yukon First Nations to build a more effective public school system for Yukon students. The ADM of First Nations Initiatives position is an important step forward in reconciliation with Yukon First Nations.

Ta’an Kwäch’än Council Chief Kristina Kane

Quick facts
  • The selection committee for this role was comprised of representatives from the Government of Yukon and the Chiefs Committee on Education.

  • The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Call to Action #62 calls on governments to establish senior level positions dedicated to Aboriginal content in education.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Jason Mackey
Communications, Education

Jennifer Wykes
Chiefs’ Committee on Education
867-393-9200, ext. 9239

News release #:
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