National Kids and Vaccines Day spotlights COVID-19 vaccination confidence

Today is National Kids and Vaccines Day, which focuses on COVID-19 vaccination this year. To mark the occasion, organizations such as ScienceUpFirst, Children’s Healthcare Canada and the Sandbox Project have united to provide the best information available on COVID-19 vaccinations for kids aged five to 11 years of age.

ScienceUpFirst is hosting a free National Kids and Vaccines town hall live tonight at 6 p.m. MST on Zoom to answer questions from kids, parents, caregivers and educators about vaccines and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The panel of medical experts include Yukon pediatrician and president of the Canadian Medical Association Dr. Katharine Smart.

All eligible Yukoners are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated against COVID-19. Vaccination and continuing to practise the Safe 6 plus 1 offers the best protection against COVID-19.

We know that vaccination remains our strongest protection against COVID-19 and every Yukoner over the age of five is eligible to be vaccinated. Tonight’s free National Kids and Vaccines town hall will provide the latest information on vaccines for kids and answer any questions Yukoners may have.

Premier Sandy Silver

COVID-19 vaccinations for kids are safe and proven to provide the best defence against serious illness. This vaccine is the best way to train children’s immune systems and protect them and their loved ones against COVID-19. Yukoners have a great track record of getting vaccinated and our vaccine program is here to support the next steps. National Kids and Vaccines Day is the time to book your child’s vaccine appointment.

acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott

Over eight million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been given to children in North America with an incredible record of safety and effectiveness. Vaccination is our best tool to protect our kids from severe illness and complications from COVID-19 infection.

Pediatrician and President of the Canadian Medical Association Dr. Katharine Smart

Quick facts
  • The first COVID-19 vaccines for kids aged five to 11 were approved in Canada in November 2021.

  • The COVID-19 Pfizer pediatric vaccine is available to Yukon kids age five to 11.

  • Appointments for Whitehorse residents can be made online at or by calling 1-877-374-0425.

  • Residents in most rural communities can make an appointment by calling their local health centre. More information on clinic dates and times is at

  • Learn more about the recommendation for children attending school, daycare or activities during the COVID-19 pandemic from the Yukon’s acting Chief Medical Officer of Health in the updated traffic light guidance.


National Kids and Vaccines Day brings together industry, influencers and experts from across disciplines to help promote vaccine confidence to protect the largest unvaccinated cohort of Canadians.

  • National Kids and Vaccines Day is a collaboration between organizations including ScienceUpFirst, Children’s Healthcare Canada and the Sandbox Project.
  • ScienceUpFirst is a national initiative working with a collective of independent scientists, researchers, healthcare experts and science communicators. ScienceUpFirst shares the best available science in creative ways to stop the spread of misinformation.

The town hall panel of medical experts for the ScienceUpFirst Kids and Vaccines town hall on Zoom will include:

  • Pediatrician and President of the Canadian Medical Association Dr. Katharine Smart;
  • Pediatric Infectious Disease Physician at Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Dr. Nisha Thampi;
  • Sauder Family Chair in Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the University of British Columbia Dr. Manish Sadarangani; and
  • Psychologist and Scientific Director of both the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health and Solutions for Kids in Pain Dr. Christine Chambers.
Media contact

Renée Francoeur Cabinet

Carleen Kerr
Communications Director, Health and Social Services

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