More than $60 million in construction projects tendered early

Dozens of large construction projects were put out to tender early for the 2018 summer season. More than $60 million worth of construction projects were tendered before March 31. The Government of Yukon plans to post more tenders worth approximately $4 million combined in the next few weeks.

The recommendations of the Procurement Advisory Panel have been implemented by the government and work is ongoing to create long-term improvements that will provide lasting benefits to the territory.

The construction industry is a key component of Yukon’s economy, providing employment for Yukoners and supporting vibrant communities. By putting out these seasonally-dependent construction tenders earlier, contractors can have more certainty and take full advantage of Yukon’s construction season.

We heard contractors asking for more lead time for these complex projects and we’re taking action to put out more tenders earlier. We’re improving government procurement so our spending better supports the delivery of public services and boosts economic benefits for all Yukoners.

Minister of Highways and Public Works Richard Mostyn

Quick facts
  • Thirty-seven projects worth $61 million that were tendered by March 31 include buildings, road work, power supply upgrades and water and sewer upgrades.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Katy Mead
Communications, Highways and Public Works

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