A major shift in the way government manages the territory’s road network will result in improvements to the quality of Yukon’s highways. The Government of Yukon’s new Roadway Maintenance Improvement program takes a more comprehensive, systematic approach to roadway maintenance practices based on service standards and asset management.
This modernized approach to road maintenance will provide Yukoners with more certainty about the quality, quantity and frequency of highway and roadside maintenance and upkeep. The program also includes a research and data-driven system of road classification that informs how government manages Yukon highways.
The new program emphasizes road safety and establishes a formal process for assessing and prioritizing roadside safety projects. It covers many aspects of highway infrastructure, including:
- A new classification system that determines priorities and planning needs for the highway network as a whole;
- More roadside barriers to protect travellers from hazards and help keep vehicles on the road surface if something causes them to leave their lane;
- Scheduled line painting to improve both the quality and quantity of line painting throughout the highway network;
- More highway delineation devices like rumble strips and raised pavement markers, also known as cat’s eyes, to help drivers stay on the road in compromised driving conditions, such as nighttime darkness and bad weather;
- Robust scheduled vegetation control to improve driver sightlines and visibility, allowing drivers to more easily see approaching wildlife and other vehicles on the road; and
- A reduction of roadside obstructions through the removal of boulders, fallen trees, debris, utility poles, etc.
For the first time, the Yukon has established consistent standards for its highway network. This is about working smarter, not harder. Our roads link us together, and this improves safety and gives citizens more certainty about the quality, quantity and frequency of road maintenance.
The roadway classification system will more effectively allocate resources based on the specific needs of a roadway. Classification is determined based on several factors including traffic volume, functionality, tourism and trade, and existing roadway conditions.
The program applies a systematic approach to managing Yukon highways and increases investment to areas where work has not been done in the past.
The program will provide Yukoners with recurring and predictable schedules for highway improvements such as line painting and brushing.
Over the six-year program cycle, a total of 6,700 kilometres of road will be brushed.
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
Brittany Cross
Communications, Highways and Public Works