Master plan being developed in the Range Point neighbourhood

Joint news release with Kwanlin Dün First Nation.

Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) and the Government of Yukon are working together for the first time on a joint project to create a master plan for a residential development in Whitehorse’s Range Point neighbourhood.

The master plan centres on two parcels of land; Government of Yukon’s Lot 262-6 and KDFN’s Settlement Land parcel C-15B. The plan will identify roads, location and types of housing, water and sewer infrastructure, parks and common areas, trails and potential locations for commercial and other non-residential uses.

KDFN Citizens and residents in the Range Point area will be asked to provide their feedback and ideas over the coming months, beginning with a survey from May 14 to 30, 2021. They will be asked for their general development ideas, priorities and concerns. From the feedback received, three draft neighbourhood concepts will be developed and presented for further input in the summer. Then, the planning team will work towards a final concept in fall 2021 that will later be presented to the leadership of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation, Government of Yukon and City of Whitehorse for direction.

A final decision on whether to or not to pursue joint land development will be made by the Kwanlin Dün First Nation and the Government of Yukon. 

We are very pleased to partner with the Kwanlin Dün First Nation on the Range Point subdivision planning project. Hearing what is important to their Citizens and residents in the area will help ensure any future development meets their needs. We recognize the much-needed housing opportunities such a project will provide and look forward to collaboratively creating this master plan.

Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn

Range Point could be the Yukon’s first major residential development on Yukon First Nation Settlement Land. Through this potential development, Kwanlin Dün First Nation is taking another step forward in activating the rights in our Final and Self-Government agreements, and in our recently enacted Lands Act. Kwanlin Dün Citizens have identified this parcel of Settlement Land as a site for future development. We are moving forward into the next phase of planning with our partner, the Government of Yukon, to ensure that the development is right for Citizens and residents in the area. We look forward to engaging in the planning process and listening to what people have to say.

Kwanlin Dün First Nation Chief Doris Bill

On behalf of City Council, I am excited to see the Government of Yukon and the Kwanlin Dün First Nation partner to develop two parcels of land in the Range Point neighbourhood. When City Administration worked on the Range Road North Neighbourhood Plan in 2013-14, one priority was to connect this area to the rest of city, and give it its own neighbourhood identity. I believe this represents a wonderful opportunity for Kwanlin Dün First Nation to achieve both, and to turn these parcels into a beautiful neighbourhood we can all be proud of. 

City of Whitehorse Mayor Dan Curtis

Quick facts
  • Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) has owned C-15B since they signed their Final and Self-Government agreements in 2005. Since then, KDFN has exercised the rights in the Final and Self-Government agreements to create the policies and legislation needed to undertake land development.

  • KDFN completed its Community Lands Plan in 2019. This confirmed Citizens’ direction to explore the development of C-15B, specifically through residential leases.

  • The City of Whitehorse started the conversation about development of Lot 262-6/C-15B when its council-adopted 2014 Range Road North Neighbourhood Plan.  

  • KDFN registered a parcel of Settlement Land in the Yukon Land Titles Office, receiving the first Certificate of Title for Category A Settlement Land in Yukon. This made it possible for individuals or businesses to purchase a leasehold interest on Settlement Land and register it in the Yukon Land Titles Office.

  • On October 15, 2020, KDFN brought into force its new, modern Lands Act, Nan kay sháwthän Däk’anúta ch’e, We all look after our land. The Act empowers the First Nation to make Settlement Land available to meet the residential and other lands needs of Beneficiaries and Citizens.

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Bonnie Venton Ross
Communications, Community Services

Leighann Chalykoff
Communications, Kwanlin Dün First Nation

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