Local firm to design new mixed income housing project in Whitehorse

Local company Kobayashi and Zedda Architects has been awarded the tender for design for the planned mixed use, mixed income housing project at Fourth Avenue and Jeckell Street in Whitehorse.

As part of this design contract Kobayashi and Zedda Architects will provide engineering services for the project and will continue to engage the City of Whitehorse, the Housing Action Plan Implementation Committee and other key stakeholders in the design process to make sure that the project reflects Whitehorse’s community needs.

During fall 2019, the Yukon Housing Corporation will be holding public information sessions to give input into the design of the building, which could create up to 48 units of housing. Construction is anticipated to begin in spring 2020.

The mixed income, mixed use housing project at Fourth Avenue and Jeckell Street will enable social diversity while supporting better social outcomes for our clients. It is part of our work to to transform our social housing program into a community housing program that is flexible, fiscally sustainable and meets the diverse and dynamic housing needs of our community.

Minister responsible for the Yukon Housing Corporation Pauline Frost

Quick facts
  • Mixed use housing integrates different client groups from our community together in a multi-unit building, including seniors, families and individuals.

  • Mixed income housing will house a diverse tenant base, with different income levels. Tenants will pay rent that is affordable given their income.

Media contact

Matthew Cameron
Cabinet Communications

Sarah Murray
Communications, Yukon Housing Corporation

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