Literary program update from the Office of the Commissioner of Yukon

The Commissioner of Yukon would like to update Yukoners with details on her Literary Program.

Borealis Prize

This prize recognizes excellence in contributions by the writers, publishers, editors and literary community builders of the Yukon. For this third year, the Commissioner of Yukon has worked with BC and Yukon Book Prizes to increase the prize money to $2,000 and the winner of the 2022 Borealis Prize will be invited to do a paid event (travel included) at the 2022 Dawson Daily News Print and Publishing Festival in June.

There is no fee to submit a nomination.

The deadline for The Borealis Prize: The Commissioner of Yukon Award for Literary Contribution is April 30, 2022.

For more information:…

Story Laureate of Yukon

The Commissioner of Yukon has decided to extend the term of Michael Gates, Story Laureate of Yukon to December 31, 2023.

In 2021, the first year of the Laureate’s mandate, cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic made it impossible for the Story Laureate of Yukon to fulfil his mandate. In addition to territorial events he was not able to attend such as Commissioner-led activities, community events and literary conferences, he was not able to attend a national literary festival. There is a series of events for the Story Laureate of Yukon to attend in 2022 and 2023, dependent on the pandemic situation.

Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition

The Commissioner of Yukon is inviting youth to take part in The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition 2022, the world’s oldest international writing competition. There is a Senior Category for 14 to 18 years of age and a Junior Category for those born after July 1, 2008. To mark the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen, the 2022 theme is “Our Commonwealth”. Entrants are asked to explore the positive impact that can be achieved through dedication and selfless commitment to our Commonwealth.

This competition is in English only.

The deadline to apply is June 30, 2022.

For more information:

I am happy to support these various awards, programs and competitions showcasing the growing and vibrant literary community in our territory. Yukoners have so much to contribute.

Commissioner of Yukon Angélique Bernard

Quick facts
  • The initial end date of the Story Laureate of Yukon’s mandate was December 31, 2022.

  • The call for the next Story Laureate of Yukon will be in April 2023.

  • This is the first year of the promotion of The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition in the Yukon.

Media contact

Robyn Damude
Communications, Executive Council Office


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