Liquor Act engagement What We Heard progress report released today

The Government of Yukon has released a progress report on the Liquor Act review ongoing engagement process. The What We Heard document reflects the views of Yukoners on a topic which is clearly of interest to community members.

Starting in December 2017 the Yukon Liquor Corporation hosted 44 meetings in 14 communities. Nearly 450 Yukon citizens participated in the survey. Government of Yukon officials heard from First Nation, municipalities, local advisory councils, licensees, health professionals, non-government organizations and members of the public.

As a next step in the engagement process, the Yukon Liquor Corporation will form a legislative advisory group to provide advice during the legislative drafting process. The advisory group will be selected to reflect a broad cross section of communities, local governments, industry, and stakeholders.

Public engagement on the Liquor Act review will continue on issue specific themes, as the Government of Yukon moves to modernize legislation. Changes to regulations are being developed alongside changes to the Act, all of which are targeted for the Fall of 2019.

I would like to thank Yukoners for their thoughtful feedback on the Liquor Act. The input we received showed us that the scope of this topic extends beyond alcohol; it includes our economy, community wellness and harm reduction. This was great feedback that will shape how our government modernizes laws and develops programming.

Minister responsible for the Yukon Liquor Corporation John Streicker

Quick facts
  • 78 per cent of survey respondents support requiring that anyone who sells or serves liquor have responsible liquor service training.

  • 62 per cent of survey respondents support stand-alone private liquor stores and 65 per cent support allowing grocery stores to sell some liquor products, such as local products.

  • In community meetings, respondents provided their concerns with increasing access to liquor and challenges of over-consumption. Finding the right balance with due consideration for social responsibility is a consistent theme.

  • Results of that survey administered by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics are included in the progress report.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Patch Groenewegen
Communications, Yukon Liquor Corporation

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