Joint news release with Klondike Placer Miners' Association
Premier Sandy Silver was in Dawson last week to join the Klondike Placer Miners’ Association as they donated $10,000 to Robert Service School to enhance the school’s metal shop program.
Robert Service School will use the funds to purchase materials and equipment for the metal shop, including safety gear, metal works tools and consumable materials such as welding rods, steel and wires.
Through the expansion of the metal shop program, students in Dawson will have more opportunities to develop skills and explore career paths that are in high demand in local industries.
Many Yukon industries depend on skilled tradespeople. This investment by the Klondike Placer Miners’ Association will give students access to new hands-on learning that links directly to the careers available in their communities. It is a great example of local organizations partnering with government and communities to address their needs and provide expanded opportunities for students.
The Klondike Placer Miners’ Association is proud to invest in our children and our community’s future. Providing training locally helps ensure the next generation of Klondikers have opportunities to pursue quality careers close to home so that they may continue to honour our family traditions. We would like to thank the Government of Yukon and Robert Service School for their support of this vision.
In 2011, Robert Service School established a Trades Pathway for Grade 7–12 students.
Other trades training available at the school include wood working and drafting.
For the first time this school year, Robert Service School is offering metal works in addition to small engine work in the metal shop.
The work on the metal shop began about two years ago, with support from the Klondike Placer Miners’ Association and the Canadian Welding Association.
Local families have shown increased interest in the shop programs following the success of two Yukon College dual-credit courses offered in Welding (2013) and Heavy Duty Mechanics (2017).
Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications
Maxine White
Communications, Education
Jonas Smith
Klondike Placer Miners’ Association executive director