Khàtìnas.àxh [pronounced “Kaw keen ah sa”] Community School is now the name of the Teslin School

Joint news release with the Teslin Tlingit Council and Khàtìnas.àxh Community School Council

Today the Teslin Tlingit Council, the Teslin School Council, students, parents and Teslin residents are celebrating the renaming of the Teslin School.

The new name is the Tlingit name of the late Billy Fox, a respected and beloved member of the community who was a proponent of a school in Teslin. The name Khàtìnas.àxh was Billy Fox’s Tlingit name. It is a Kookhittaan Clan name, which means “A raven that can be heard a long time after he is gone. He still makes noise like an echo.”

As a government, one of our key priorities is to focus on language, culture and education. The Tlingit language is the cornerstone to our approach on education. Billy Fox recognized the importance of education in Teslin. The renaming of the school affirms Mr. Fox’s and the Teslin Tlingit Council’s vision.

Naa Sháade Háni Richard Sidney

We are proud to support Teslin Tlingit Council and the School Council in renaming the school in Teslin. Schools are an important space where students and community members should feel a sense of confidence and belonging. Renaming the school to Khàtìnas.àxh Community School honours both the language and culture of the people of Teslin and the history of the community.

Premier Sandy Silver

Quick facts
  • Billy Fox was born in Teslin in 1909. He grew up a proud and fluent speaker of his native language and also became fluent in English through his work with the RCMP and on the Canol Road hauling freight and trading furs from his traplines.

  • Billy passed away in 1970. During his lifetime, he worked as a hunter, trapper, fisherman, carpenter, woodcutter, mechanic and as a RCMP special constable. He was a community leader who was a proponent for a school in the community and lived to see a modern school built in Teslin.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Jade McGinty
Teslin Tlingit Council
Communications Coordinator
867.390-2532 ext 306

Kyle Nightingale
Communications, Education

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