Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Brendan Hanley is reporting 44 new cases of COVID-19 since Friday afternoon. There are now 124 active cases in the territory. He now states this is the first true “wave” of COVID-19 in Yukon.
Yukon’s total case count: 308
For the new cases since 12 p.m. on June 25:
- Forty-four confirmed cases.
- The majority of cases are in Whitehorse.
- One hundred and two individuals have recovered since June 1.
COVID-19 is being widely transmitted throughout Yukon, primarily affecting unvaccinated people and is now present in most Yukon communities. Eleven of 14 communities are home to COVID-19 positive people.
Child care programs
Several daycare centres are now exposure locations for COVID-19. Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health has issued a recommendation that, for the next 2 weeks, parents keep children home from child care programs if they are able to do so. This recommendation will reduce the number of children in attendance, allow for more distance between children and provide increased flexibility for staff to stay home if sick. This recommendation does not apply to day camps.
Daycare operators are reaching out directly to parents of any children who were exposed to COVID-19 at a daycare centre.
Whitehorse Emergency Shelter
Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health (CMOH) is declaring an outbreak at the Whitehorse Emergency Shelter. An outbreak is declared when one or more people tests positive in a congregate living setting. Approximately 15 cases of COVID-19 have now been confirmed in shelter guests and staff.
Testing for COVID-19 is available for staff and guests on an ongoing basis.
The shelter has a COVID-19 operational plan and is working with Yukon Communicable Disease Control and the CMOH to ensure practices align with the evolving COVID-19 situation.
Update on access to hospitals
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak in the territory, Yukon’s hospitals are taking additional measures to keep everyone safe, protect staff and patientsand ensure hospital care is available when you need it most. Here’s what you can do to help and expect to see when you go to hospital.
- Only go to the hospital emergency department, if you need urgent care.
- New visitor restrictions are coming into effect starting Monday, June 28. No visitors or support persons will be allowed – with only a few, limited exceptions.
- Some non-urgent hospital services will be limited or postponed, so your surgery may be rescheduled for another time or your appointment for a lab test may be delayed. The hospitals may have to adjust or modify other less urgent services as required.
- You will be asked some additional questions by the screening team when you arrive at the hospital, please continue to be patient and kind, as they have an important role in our safety.
- You will be asked to wear a hospital-provided mask and keep it on in all areas of the hospital – even if you bring your own personal mask. This is to provide everyone with the same level of protection.
Expect these limited measures to be in place for two weeks and reassessed at that time.
COVID-19 continues to spread widely in Yukon, mostly amongst unvaccinated adults, youth and children. We now have an outbreak involving the Whitehorse Emergency Shelter. This is Yukon’s first true COVID wave. We must pull together, by:
- Staying calm, and staying kind;
- sticking to six - keeping any informal gatherings to no more than 6 people;
- keeping your contacts small and consistent;
- strictly observing all current public health measures; and
- staying away from others and arranging for testing when you have symptoms.
People with symptoms
Testing for COVID-19 infection is more important than ever. People who are vaccinated may also rarely acquire COVID-19 and should seek testing if symptoms develop.
Testing turnaround times remain rapid, 24 hours in the previous week, and negative results can now be accessed online for faster access to results.
Anyone experiencing symptoms in Whitehorse should call the COVID-19 Testing and Assessment Centre at 867-393-3083 or book online to arrange for testing. Drive-up testing is available in Whitehorse at the CTAC 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. daily at 49A Waterfront Place.
People in communities should contact their rural community health centre.
Safe 6 plus 1
As a reminder, recommendations on gathering sizes have changed. Keep your social gathering to 6 people or less – whether you are inside or outdoors.
Everyone in the Yukon should continue to follow the Safe 6 plus 1 (plus 1 means wear a mask). See more information at: practisesafe6.ca.
COVID-19 symptoms reminder
Anyone experiencing any of the following symptoms should self-isolate and arrange to be tested immediately.
-difficulty breathing
-shortness of breath
-runny nose
-sore throat
-loss of sense of taste or smell
-loss of appetite
-nausea and vomiting
-muscle aches
Clarissa Wall
Communications, Health and Social Services