Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Brendan Hanley is announcing 30 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 since Saturday afternoon. There are now 100 active cases in the territory. Since June 4, 2021, screening results received so far indicate all cases are positive for the Gamma (P.1) variant.
Yukon’s total case count: 212.
For the new cases since 12 p.m. on June 19:
- Thirty confirmed cases.
- Fourteen recoveries.
- Twenty-three cases are in Whitehorse and seven in rural communities.
- One new hospitalization, two previous cases remain in the hospital.
- Investigation and contact tracing is under way.
COVID-19 is now widespread throughout Yukon, primarily affecting unvaccinated people and is now present in most Yukon communities.
Exposure notices have been sent to additional schools. Staff and students have been advised to either self-isolate or self-monitor depending on exposure. Cases linked to the identified schools were infectious during the last days of school.
- Kluane School in Destruction Bay
- Whitehorse Elementary
- J.V. Clark School in Mayo
- Holy Family Elementary School in Whitehorse
- Takhini Elementary School in Whitehorse
- Grade 9 and 10 classes at Porter Creek Senior Secondary
People with symptoms
As COVID-19 is now widely circulating throughout Yukon, testing for COVID-19 infection is more important than ever. People who are vaccinated may also rarely acquire COVID-19 and should seek testing if symptoms develop.
Testing turnaround times remain very quick, 24 hours in the previous week, and negative results can now be accessed online for faster access to results.
Anyone experiencing symptoms in Whitehorse should call the COVID-19 Testing and Assessment Centre at 867-393-3083 or book on-line to arrange for testing at https://book-covid-19-test.service.yukon.ca/en/. Drive-up testing is available in Whitehorse at the CTAC 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. daily at 49A Waterfront Place.
People in communities should contact their rural community health centre.
We expect to see many more cases over the coming weeks, especially in our unvaccinated population. Our way out of this outbreak is through isolation and testing of people with symptoms. People who are sick must stay away from workplaces, children's camps, and any gatherings. All camps and group activities must screen for illness so we can stop people transmitting COVID-19 infection to others. If you have symptoms that feel like a cold right now, it is probably COVID-19.
Safe 6 plus 1
As a reminder, no restrictions have changed. Everyone in the Yukon should continue to follow the Safe 6 plus 1. See more information at: practisesafe6.ca.
COVID-19 symptoms reminder
Anyone experiencing any of the following symptoms should self-isolate and arrange to be tested immediately.
- fever
- chills
- cough
- difficulty breathing
- shortness of breath
- runny nose
- sore throat
- loss of sense of taste or smell
- headache
- fatigue
- loss of appetite
- nausea and vomiting
- diarrhea
- muscle aches
Pat Living
Communications, Health and Social Services