June 17, 2021: new COVID-19 cases confirmed

Yukon’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Brendan Hanley, announces nine new confirmed cases of COVID-19. There are now 54 active cases in the territory including one probable case and two out of territory cases. While only 11 are confirmed as Gamma variant, it is presumed that all recent cases are this variant of concern.

Yukon’s total case count: 145 confirmed and one probable case.*

For the new cases today:

  • Nine confirmed cases.
  • Today’s cases are in Whitehorse with one in a rural community.
  • All are isolating and recovering at home.

People with symptoms

With current active cases in Yukon, testing for COVID-19 infection is more important than ever in order to identify possible community spread. People who are vaccinated may acquire COVID-19 in rare circumstances and should seek testing if symptoms develop.

Testing turnaround times remain very quick, 24 hours in the previous week, and negative results can now be accessed online for faster access to results.

Anyone experiencing symptoms in Whitehorse should call the COVID-19 Testing and Assessment Centre at 867-393-3083 or book on-line to arrange for testing at https://book-covid-19-test.service.yukon.ca/en/. 

People in communities should contact their rural community health centre.

Safe 6 plus 1

Everyone in Yukon should follow the Safe 6 plus 1 (plus 1 means wear a mask) at: practisesafe6.ca

COVID-19 symptoms reminder

Anyone experiencing any of the following symptoms should self-isolate and arrange to be tested immediately.

  • fever
  • chills
  • cough
  • difficulty breathing
  • shortness of breath
  • runny nose
  • sore throat
  • loss of sense of taste or smell
  • headache
  • fatigue
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea and vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • muscle aches

Enforcement Measures strengthened

Our government recognizes that ramping up enforcement capacity is one way that we can help keep Yukoners safe. Here is what Yukoners can expect heading in to the long weekend and coming weeks:

  • The CEMA Investigations Unit has brought on additional staff and shifting has doubled to manage the expected increase in complaints.
  • There will be an increased presence of Officers and Inspectors who are able to lay charges under the Civil Emergency Measures Act (CEMA); focusing their efforts on ensuring restaurants and bars are following their operational plans and guidelines, and that patrons of these establishments are following the rules.
  • Officers will have a presence in all Yukon communities to assist and provide follow-up to CEMA complaints that we receive from the public.
  • Officers will be visiting local businesses, workplaces and mine sites to ensure compliance with COVID-19 orders.
  • These Officers and Inspectors come from various Government of Yukon departments to ensure that we have people on the ground educating the public, assisting with compliance, and when necessary, bringing charges under CEMA.
  • We continue to work with our partners at the RCMP in Whitehorse and communities to support CEMA enforcement officers when required.

* Case counts will be updated once daily.

Media contact

Pat Living
Communications, Health and Social Services

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