July 22, 2021: COVID-19 case count update

Yukon’s acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott is reporting seven new confirmed cases of COVID-19 between 12 p.m. Wednesday, July 21, and 12 p.m. today. With recoveries, this brings the active case count to 72.  

Total number of confirmed Yukon cases since March 22, 2020: 542; 474 cases since June 1, including out of territory residents diagnosed in Yukon and probable cases.

For the new cases since 12 p.m. on July 21, there are seven confirmed cases:

  • Locations are yet to be confirmed

Since June 1, 2021, 398 people have recovered and there have been four deaths. There have been a total of six deaths since November 2020.

Because of an increase in cases in Watson Lake, a rapid response testing team will arrive in the community on Friday, July 23, to begin testing the following day. Rapid testing will be available Saturday through Monday in the ambulance bay of the Watson Lake Community Hospital. More details will be available on Yukon.ca.

The Watson Lake Health Centre is hosting an adult vaccination clinic on Friday, July 23, for first and second dose Moderna from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and again on Friday, July 30. Appointments can be made by visiting Yukon.ca or calling 1-877-3740425.

The acting Chief Medical Officer of Health continues to stress the importance of getting both vaccines to complete the series. Rural health centres and the mass clinic in Whitehorse are continuing to offer first and second doses of Moderna vaccine. Contact your local health centre or book an appointment online at the clinic in Whitehorse. 

Testing and vaccines

Testing continues to be a priority to enable health care responders to manage risk and outbreaks. Anyone experiencing symptoms in Whitehorse should call the COVID-19 Testing and Assessment Centre at 867-393-3083 or book online to arrange for testing.

People in communities should contact their rural community health centre. Testing turnaround times remain very quick, 24 hours in the previous week, and negative results can now be accessed online for faster access to results.

COVID-19 symptoms reminder

Anyone experiencing any of the following symptoms should self-isolate and arrange to be tested immediately.

  • fever
  • chills
  • cough
  • difficulty breathing
  • shortness of breath
  • runny nose
  • sore throat
  • loss of sense of taste or smell
  • headache
  • fatigue
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea and vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • muscle aches
Media contact

Pat Living
Communications, Health and Social Services

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