Joint statement on respectful treatment of the Yukon’s health care providers

Premier Sandy Silver and acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott issued the following statement:

“Our territory’s dedicated team of health care professionals are working hard every day to keep Yukoners safe and healthy.

“Following the announcement of new COVID-19 health requirements and emergency measures there have been reports of verbal abuse and insults towards nurses and other front-line staff. This aggressive and unacceptable behaviour is creating safety concerns and it must stop.

“Complaints about public health policy and emergency measures should be directed toward government and health decision makers, not front-line staff.

“Health care providers deserve our deep respect and gratitude. We will continue supporting them while advancing safe and courteous working conditions. We encourage all Yukoners to do the same and join us in showing appreciation for their continued service to our communities.”  

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

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