Joint statement from Minister of Health and Social Services and acting Chief Medical Officer of Health in support of front line workers

Health and Social Services Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee and Yukon’s acting-Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott have issued the following statement:

“We offer our continued gratitude and appreciation to Yukon healthcare professionals and essential frontline workers. Working under incredibly demanding circumstances for the past two years, these everyday heroes have ensured we all continue to have reliable access to services and supplies, and support for our loved ones.

“In particular, we want to highlight the skilled and compassionate individuals in our long-term care homes, our community health nurses, those working in our hospitals and the dedicated nurses at Yukon Communicable Disease Control, who have been working around the clock since this pandemic began. These people continue to go above and beyond to make sure Yukoners get the care and support they need.

“In this critical moment as the Omicron wave begins to crest, the front line needs our help to ease the pressures on our health care system and keep community spread to a minimum. We ask all Yukoners to do their part for this vital workforce by getting vaccinated and boosted, keeping your social circles small, and practising the Safe 6 plus 1.

“As we look toward brighter days ahead, let’s all continue to check in on friends and family, support our communities, and take care of one another. No one is immune from the impacts of COVID-19 and they continue to affect all of us in a myriad of ways. If you are struggling, please know that help is available. There is an expanding network of health and mental health resources available at

“Our actions today will define our coming months. With continued vigilance and care, we can emerge from this phase of the pandemic sooner and stronger.”

Media contact

Renée Francoeur

Carleen Kerr
Communications Director, Health and Social Services

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