Premier of the Yukon Sandy Silver, Premier of the Northwest Territories Caroline Cochrane and Premier of Nunavut P.J. Akeeagok have issued the following joint statement:
“It was an honour to be invited to the Arctic Circle Forum and attend in-person to continue a global dialogue about the North. The importance of international cooperation and partnership on a range of issues is clear. From security to creating healthier lives and economic opportunities for our people, the conversations that lead to a peaceful and cleaner future must continue.
“During the conference, we have been able to continue to raise awareness and promote a more secure and healthy Arctic. We continue to assert that Arctic sovereignty and security are enhanced by strengthening the resiliency of our people and our communities. Investments in critical infrastructure to ensure sustainable energy sources, reliable transportation and telecommunications can serve a dual purpose of fulfilling defence and community needs.
“With this event, we have been able to profile our territories’ vision for a secure Arctic and our ambition for the community investments that promote better health care, education and economic opportunities. Access to these services and to adequate housing is linked to all aspects of wellbeing, and to the resiliency of our communities.
“We discussed how critical minerals from northern Canada and the Arctic will play an important role in building a cleaner future. The world is looking North for the resources that will reduce global reliance on supply chains that do not support the high environmental and social standards countries and consumers demand.
“We extend our gratitude to the Arctic Circle organization and our Greenlandic hosts for this opportunity to enhance circumpolar dialogue and cooperation. We have much to learn from our global partners and allies, and we look forward to more opportunities for dialogue in the future.”
Renee Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Chelsea Halvorson
Communications, Government of Nunavut
Cabinet Communications
Government of the Northwest Territories