Interim supports for arts and culture sectors announced

Please note the number in the second bullet of the quick facts has been updated. 

To help address the impacts the COVID-19 pandemic is having on the arts and culture sectors, $275,000 will be available through three temporary funding initiatives.

The Advanced Artist Award is increased by $75,000. This one-time increase makes $150,000 available at the April 1, 2020 intake to support artists to enhance their artistic professional development. The increased funding will not affect the October intake, which will still have the standard $75,000 available.

The Arts Fund is increased by $125,000 and the Government of Yukon will be offering a one-time special intake in April for that amount. The special intake criteria will suspend the current threshold and allow applicants to apply for 100 per cent of eligible project expenses. The regular June, September and December intakes for the Arts Fund have not changed.

In addition, the department of Tourism and Culture’s longstanding On Yukon Time funding program will have a special focus for the 2020–21 fiscal year. This $75,000 fund will invite applications for artistic initiatives that can be presented without people gathering; are formed as a reaction or contemplation of COVID-19 and its impacts; demonstrate community innovation; and/or celebrate community kindness and support. Awards of up to $2,500 will be available for individuals and $5,000 for businesses, not-for-profit organizations or collectives for arts-related initiatives.  

Yukon’s arts and culture sectors are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic given the loss of income from closures of venues and cancellation of shows and events. These funding program increases and modifications are a practical and immediate way to provide financial support to artists at this time of lost revenue. I am confident that these measures will spark ingenuity and imaginative new ways to engage and create; providing hope, inspiration and an understanding of our society in these challenging times.

Minister of Tourism and Culture Jeanie Dendys

Quick facts
  • Advanced Artist Award - April 1, 2020 intake is now $150,000.

  • Arts Fund increased to $625,000 total with an additional April intake for $125,000. Applicants can apply for 100 per cent of project costs. Deadline to apply is April 20, 2020.

  • For 2020–21, the On Yukon Time funding program will make $75,000 available to support a broad range of arts-related activities. Deadline to apply is April 15, 2020.

  • On March 17, 2020 Minister Dendys announced that the department will honour all existing funding agreements for organizations and projects that may be cancelled or postponed as a result of safety measures related to COVID-19. This applies to museums and cultural centres as well as arts facilities, individual artists and non-profit organizations.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Cameron Webber
Communications, Tourism and Culture

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