Increased fines and demerits target unsafe driving

The Government of Yukon is taking action to address illegal and dangerous driving behaviour around school buses by increasing fines and demerits under the Summary Convictions Regulation and Motor Vehicles Regulations.  

Fines for drivers who fail to stop for a school bus that is receiving or discharging passengers have increased to $500 from $200. Fines for drivers who pass a bus illegally will also face a fine of $500, increased from $200. Demerit points for both offences have increased from five to eight points.

The amendments to the regulations came into effect on March 04, 2019.

Thoughtless driving that endangers children is simply unacceptable. The fines for school bus infractions have now been increased to the maximum allowable amount under the Motor Vehicles Act. The safety of our children is vitally important and we all have a role to play. I implore Yukoners to follow the rules of the road and drive responsibly.

Minister of Highways and Public Works Richard Mostyn

Quick facts
  • A first offence will also result in a demerit point suspension warning letter being issued, and a repeat offence in a two-year period will result in a one-month license suspension.

  • Passing a school bus is only permitted when the bus is in motion, when the driver of the school bus indicates you can proceed or when the red lights stop flashing.

  • These increases are being considered as part of the broader Motor Vehicles Act rewrite which is currently reviewing all fees and fines under the Act.


Traffic violation

Previous penalty

New penalty

Failing to stop for school bus receiving/discharging passengers (MVA S.172(1))

$200 and 5 demerit points

$500 and 8 demerit points

Unlawfully proceeding to pass a stopped school bus (MVA s.172(2))

$200 and 5 demerit points

$500 and 8 demerit points

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Oshea Jephson
Communications, Highways and Public Works

News release #:
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