Incorrect information about the Yukon Community Program on YouTube

Please note that the contact information has been updated.

The territory has seen a recent increase in immigration enquiries as a result of videos hosted on YouTube. The Government of Yukon is aware that many of these videos contain incorrect or misleading program information and is working to address the matter directly with YouTube. The Department of Economic Development is also liaising with the Whitehorse Chamber of Commerce to monitor potential negative impacts.

The Yukon Community Program is helping Yukon businesses to meet their labour needs when they cannot attract Canadian workers. These efforts support Yukon’s economic development and allow more flexibility for nominees hired as critical impact workers or skilled workers by Yukon employers.

Whitehorse, Watson Lake, Dawson City, Haines Junction, Carmacks and Carcross are participating in the program, which was launched in January this year. Only Yukon business owners and employers can apply to the Yukon Community Program.

Quick facts
  • Yukon Community Program is a new stream under the Yukon Nominee Program and allows for up to 50 individual applications per year from Yukon businesses.

  • Only Yukon business owners and employers can apply to the Yukon Community Program.

  • Employers can either create a single position with up to three occupations that together equal one full-time position or up to three employers in a single community can create one full-time position for one person.

  • Workers who are nominated under the program must meet the following minimum requirements:

    • have a guaranteed job offer in Yukon that meets the economic and other criteria for nomination;
    • have a valid work permit or student visa, if in Canada at the time of the application;
    • provide proof of qualifying work experience;
    • meet the language requirements for the skill level of the position; and
    • intend to live in Yukon and apply to the Government of Canada for permanent residence within three to six months of starting work.
Media contact

Jason Seaton
Communications, Economic Development

News release #:
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