Grade 10 students using new school curriculum this year

A modernized school curriculum is being implemented for Grade 10 classes across Yukon when the school year begins next week. 

The redesigned curriculum is based on British Columbia’s revised school curriculum, with adaptations to fit Yukon’s northern context and embed Yukon First Nations ways of knowing and doing in all grades. 

Kindergarten to Grade 9 classes started using the new school curriculum last school year and grades 11 and 12 will start using the new curriculum in September 2019, following the same schedule as BC.

Two new provincial numeracy and literacy assessments will be introduced alongside the new curriculum, starting in school year 2019-20, replacing the old BC provincial exams.

We are excited to continue implementing the redesigned curriculum for students in senior grades. The curriculum modernizes learning to focus on the essential knowledge and skills that students need to be successful in life, no matter the path they choose. The curriculum emphasises student centred learning and provides more opportunities for students to learn through experiences.

Minister of Education Tracy-Anne McPhee

Quick facts
  • Yukon schools began using BC’s Kindergarten to Grade 9 curriculum during the 2017-18 school year.

  • In October 2017, BC announced that the implementation of Grade 11 and 12 curriculums would begin in 2019-20 in response to feedback from educators and post-secondary institutions.  

  • The focus of the new curriculum is moving to skill development: literacy (reading, writing, speaking), numeracy (math, problem-solving), communication, critical thinking and analysis, and personal-social.

  • The new curriculum includes more hands-on learning, finance and career education in all grades.

  • Students in Grades 10-12 in the 2018-19 school year will take the new numeracy assessment before graduation.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Jason Mackey
Communications, Education

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