Government of Yukon surplus auctions go online

Yukoners can now buy surplus government items with ease using a new online auction platform, With a few clicks of a mouse, Yukoners can access photos and detailed descriptions of a range of goods. As with other popular online marketplaces, interested buyers can then purchase items using PayPal, credit cards for purchases up to $5,000, or wire transfers for purchases over $5,000.

Items for sale will be posted as they become available, including in Yukon communities, providing access to buyers year round. The new platform will also enable potential buyers to make more informed decisions by allowing them to ask questions about an item, with the answers publicly posted for all to see. Yukoners can begin bidding online today at

This new online platform will allow us to sell surplus government items more efficiently and conveniently while providing more access for Yukoners across the territory. From procurement to permits and licence renewals, our government continues to expand and improve e-services to better serve Yukoners.

Minister of Highways and Public Works Richard Mostyn 

Quick facts
  • In 2019–20, the Government of Yukon held two public sealed-bid auctions featuring 111 items that received 783 bids.

  • Depending on availability, surplus items for sale can include office furniture, vehicles and machinery.

  • is used in 850 jurisdictions across Canada, including Dawson Creek, Fort McMurray and Ottawa.

Media contact

Renee Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Meredith McDonald
Communications, Highways and Public Works  

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