The Government of Yukon believes strongly in fostering and respecting relationships with citizens, groups and communities, First Nations, school boards, school councils, municipalities, and other governments. Therefore, the Yukon government is seeking public input about school facilities in Whitehorse. Feedback will help shape long-term plans for replacing and renovating aging Whitehorse schools, reflecting the government’s commitment to helping prepare youth across the territory for the future.
The survey reflects three key themes: building modern learning environments, fostering connection to the outdoors, and creating cultural, inclusive and accessible spaces.
This engagement follows the Whitehorse schools replacement ranking, released in 2022, which identifies schools to be renovated or replaced in the coming years. The ranking is based on a broad set of criteria including building conditions, enrolment demand, utilization, and support for an adaptive, modern and integrated learning environment.
Input gathered from this public engagement will help refine and update the Whitehorse school replacement ranking. The Government of Yukon will also use this feedback to help inform decision-making on Whitehorse school major replacements, upgrades or construction that may take place in the coming years. A What We Heard report will be published following the consultation.
Yukoners are invited to participate in the online survey at between Tuesday, March 14 and Monday, May 15, 2023, or attend one of the engagement sessions in Whitehorse throughout April.
Our government recognizes the fundamental role of schools in healthy, thriving communities. That is why it is crucial that we hear directly from Yukoners regarding the future of school facilities. This current engagement, combined with ongoing discussions with education partners such as school councils and boards, will help reflect community needs in how we upgrade and manage school facilities in Whitehorse.
The design of a school is critical: it sets the tone for a positive environment that emphasizes modern learning practices. But we know it is not just students and teachers who use school spaces – they are accessed by different organizations, community groups, specialized activities and more. By engaging with the community at large, we are hoping to learn what is important to all Yukoners as we plan for the future of Yukon school facilities.
The public can participate in this engagement by completing the online survey or attending any of the public open houses throughout April. A link to the survey and details for the open houses can be found at
The survey is open from Tuesday, March 14 to Monday, May 15, 2023.
All Yukoners are encouraged to complete the survey.
Targeted public engagement is also occurring. A public engagement contractor will meet with Whitehorse School Councils and will facilitate focus groups with educators and students.
In addition to the online survey and open houses, the Yukon government will connect with educational partners through targeted letters, invitations for in-person meetings, and focus groups throughout April.
All education partners are encouraged to share the opportunities to participate in this public engagement widely with their communities.
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Sophie Best
Communications, Education
Brittany Cross
Communications, Highways and Public Works