Government of Yukon to require public servants and health care workers be fully vaccinated and proof of vaccination to access non-essential services

The Government of Yukon will soon require all Yukon government employees and all frontline health care workers in the territory to be fully vaccinated.

Mandatory vaccination will apply to all public servants, including teachers, as well as those who work in hospitals, long-term care homes, medical clinics and allied health care settings.

The requirement will also apply to all those non-government organizations funded by the Yukon government to provide services to vulnerable populations, as well as those in congregate living settings such as group homes, shelters and the Whitehorse Correctional Centre. 

Employees will have until November 30, 2021, to receive two doses of vaccine.

Everyone aged 12 and older can get vaccinated in the Yukon. Starting on Monday, October 18, the vaccine clinic in Whitehorse will be open five days a week. Vaccines are also available in all Yukon communities by contacting the local health centre.

Proof of vaccination will also soon be required to access non-essential services in the Yukon. All patrons of non-essential services, public events and participants in recreational activities will be required to show proof that they are fully vaccinated. This will not apply to youth recreational leagues for those under 12. This requirement will also come into place on November 30, 2021. Leading up to the implementation date, the Government of Yukon will work directly with stakeholders and those impacted by this requirement to address concerns and answer questions. Officials will begin to reach out to stakeholder groups next week.

COVID-19 proof of vaccination credentials are available to anyone who received at least one of their two doses of COVID-19 vaccine in the Yukon, at least 14 days ago. The credential is a secure, government-issued proof of your COVID-19 vaccination status.

Proof of vaccination will not be required to access essential services such as grocery stores, pharmacies, libraries or banks.

These mandatory vaccine and proof of vaccination requirements are based on the recommendations of the Yukon’s acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott to limit the spread of COVID-19.

These measures align with steps being taken in jurisdictions across the country to increase vaccination rates and combat the Delta variant wave that continues to spread throughout Canada.

The acting Chief Medical Officer of Health is also making several strong recommendations to cover the interim period until these new requirements come into effect on November 30:

  • People who are not fully vaccinated are recommended to avoid non-essential services for 10 days after travel outside of the Yukon.
  • Social gatherings should be limited to 20 people indoors and only if everyone is fully vaccinated, or a maximum of six if not fully vaccinated.
  • All businesses, services and organized events are being asked to have an onsite operational plan.

These recommendations are intended to minimize risk until new vaccination requirements come into effect on November 30, and will be re-assessed at a later date.

We need to do everything we can to stop the spread of COVID-19 and as the territory’s largest employer, the Yukon government has a duty to lead by example and do our part to keep Yukoners safe. This mandatory vaccine requirement will allow us to ensure a safe working environment for our employees, including our healthcare workers, while protecting the health and safety of the members of the public we serve every day, especially our most vulnerable populations. We are committed to working together with our partners, businesses and organizations on the implementation of these new requirements to protect the health and safety of Yukoners.

Premier Sandy Silver

I can’t emphasize enough that vaccination remains the very best protection for yourself, your community and all those who are ineligible for vaccination. I have recommended mandatory vaccination for healthcare workers both to offer the important protection for those most vulnerable to severe disease and to protect our healthcare workforce and I support the government’s initiative to require  vaccine for  all public servants and those who support the vulnerable.

Acting Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Catherine Elliott

We are all united in this fight against COVID-19 and preventing the spread among our more vulnerable citizens. No one is more vulnerable than those who seek assistance at any of our three hospitals. Our staff need to be fully protected in order to protect those we care for. We are fully supportive of this new requirement.

Yukon Hospital Corporation Chief Executive Officer Jason Bilsky

Quick facts
  • Starting Monday, October 18, the vaccine clinic in Whitehorse will be open five days a week:

    • Monday: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    • Tuesday: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    • Wednesday: 12 to 7 p.m.
    • Thursday: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    • Friday: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • The clinic in Whitehorse is located at the Yukon Convention Centre, 4051-4th Avenue in Whitehorse. Vaccines are also available in all Yukon communities by contacting the local health centre.

  • Yukoners can request their proof of vaccination credential online at or on the phone via the COVID-19 InfoLine at 1-877-374-0425, seven days a week, 7:30 a.m, to 8 p.m.

  • The first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed in the Yukon in March 2020. Since then, 831 Yukoners have been diagnosed with the virus. A total of 775 people have recovered, 10 have died and as of end of day Thursday, October 14, there were 59 active cases in the Yukon.

Media contact

Jacob Wilson
Cabinet Communications

Pat Living
Communications, Health and Social Services

Aimee O’Connor
Communications, Public Service Commission

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