The Government of Yukon is requesting proposals for a full review of the rural fire service

The Government of Yukon is committed to completing a transparent review of the current state of the fire service in rural Yukon, with special attention to the community of Keno.

We have released a Request for Proposals for a value-driven service contract for a full, independent review of the fire service in rural Yukon. The review will include an environmental scan, community engagement and a comprehensive report complete with recommendations to the Government of Yukon.

The government hopes to have a contract in place by early April, 2021 and the review complete by the fall of 2021. To submit a proposal and review the contract scope of work, interested parties should visit The deadline to submit is March 29, 2021.                              

Small communities and vast distances make structural fire suppression in rural Yukon uniquely challenging. We know recruitment and retention are difficult. We are hopeful that this independent review will lead to some real, tangible solutions that will help inform fire service delivery and standards to benefit Yukoners across the territory. We look forward to communities like Keno sharing their perspectives on this review.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

Quick facts
  • The Fire Marshal’s Office is mandated to protect lives and property in the event of fire or emergencies, and facilitate fire prevention and fire safety-related programs.

  • The Fire Marshal’s Office provides oversight, training and equipment for volunteer fire departments in Yukon’s 16 unincorporated communities.

  • Yukoners who would like to become involved in the volunteer fire department in their community should contact the Fire Marshal’s Office at

Media contact

Renee Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Kat Hallett
Communications, Community Services

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