Government of Yukon receives Tourism Development Strategy

The Yukon Tourism Development Strategy steering committee has provided the Government of Yukon with their new strategy, Sustainable Tourism. Our Path. Our Future.

The Yukon Tourism Development Strategy is guided by the core values expressed by Yukoners and lays out a ten-year vision for tourism to be a vibrant, sustainable component of Yukon’s economy and society for the benefit of future generations. It also includes goals that balance economic, environmental and social priorities, and is supported by strategic actions to bring the vision to life.

The strategy is the culmination of a fourteen-month process to develop a long-term vision for sustainably growing tourism in the territory. Guided by a steering committee of industry experts, the strategy was developed based on best practices around the globe and comprehensive engagement with tourism industry stakeholders, Yukon First Nations, municipalities, the arts and culture community and the public.

This is a Yukon strategy, not a Government of Yukon strategy, and I look forward to discussing with my Cabinet colleagues the role the Government of Yukon can play in its implementation. I would like to thank the steering committee for their advice, guidance and expertise in making this document a reality, as well as their ongoing support for this important initiative.  Thank you as well to the many Yukoners who shared their thoughts and passions throughout the process.  

Minister of Tourism and Culture Jeanie Dendys

The Yukon Tourism Development Strategy lays out a vision for sustainably growing tourism in the territory, and everyone has a role to play in its success. By working together and aligning our efforts across the sector, we can create the conditions for tourism to play a more prominent role in Yukon to the benefit of future generations.

Yukon Tourism Development Strategy Steering Committee co-chair Rich Thompson

Quick facts
  • Over 500 Yukoners provided input into the strategy in person at one of 55 engagements sessions held across the territory, or online through written submissions and an online survey, for a total of over 12,000 comments on how to sustainably grow tourism in Yukon.

Media contact

Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications

Carleen Kerr
Communications, Tourism and Culture

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