As the Yukon continues to respond to impacts of COVID-19, it is important that Yukon employers and employees can access the support they need when they need it the most. To help make support for employers more accessible, the Government of Yukon is restructuring the Department of Education’s Post-Secondary and Labour Market Unit. The new structure will include a labour market component and a training component.
The labour market component will move from the Department of Education to Economic Development and will form the new Labour Market Unit. The new unit will work with the division to help employers and business owners find new opportunities for growth and development.
The training component of the unit will remain at the Department of Education. It will join the existing Training Programs Unit to better serve adult learners in accessing supports for post-secondary students and apprentices.
Restructuring the Post-Secondary and Labour Market Units will allow the Yukon government to provide better access to services by ensuring that supports for employers are centrally located. The Labour Market staff provide valuable resources and their expertise will be greatly valued at the Department of Economic Development.
We have a role to play in ensuring the further development and success of Yukon businesses, and this realignment will do just that. By restructuring the Post-Secondary and Labour Market Units, Yukon employers will have more access to services and the supports they rely on. The Department of Education will still play a critical role in supporting adult learners and will continue to explore ways to best support Yukoners and Yukon businesses.
The change will come into effect on April 1, 2022.
The Labour Market Unit will continue to administer Staffing UP and Building UP programming while reporting to the Department of Economic Development.
Building Up provides funding support for organizations that strengthen the labour market.
Staffing Up provides funding support for employers seeking assistance to find, hire and keep workers.
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
Blair Phelps
Communications, Economic Development
Clarissa Wall
Communications, Education