The Government of Yukon and the Government of Canada, in partnership with Yukon First Nations, have come to a joint decision to accept the Executive Committee’s recommendation that the Coffee Gold project be allowed to proceed.
The Coffee Gold project, proposed by the Newmont Corporation, will consist of four open pit gold mines located about 130 kilometres south of Dawson City. The project is expected to have a construction period of 30 months followed by a 10-year operation phase and an 11-year closure phase.
The project will include a camp for up to 400 workers and during the peak of construction will provide jobs for nearly 700 Yukoners.
The joint decision concludes the environmental and socio-economic assessment of the Project under the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act. The joint decision was made within the regulatory time period for decision making for this type of assessment.
Prior to issuing a decision, the Government of Yukon consulted with Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in Government, Selkirk First Nation, White River First Nation and the First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun. The Yukon government looks forward to further engagement and consultation with these First Nation governments as regulatory approvals related to the project are considered.
We are very pleased to reach a decision that will allow the Coffee Gold project to move forward. This is another example of the effectiveness of the Yukon's environmental and social-economic assessment process that continues to uphold responsible development in the territory. The Coffee Gold project will provide significant employment opportunities for many Yukoners and contribute to the territory’s growing economy. Through our ongoing engagement with Yukon First Nations and our collaboration with the Government of Canada, we look forward to supporting the next stages in the development of the Coffee Gold project.
In total the all-season road will be 214 kilometres with barge crossings at the Stewart and Yukon Rivers.
The Government of Yukon supports responsible mineral resource development and remains committed to finding efficiencies in the assessment and regulatory review of projects.
The Government of Yukon will continue to consult with affected First Nations throughout the regulatory phase.
Jacob Wilson
Cabinet Communications
Myra Nicks
Communications, Executive Council Office