Site remediation and infrastructure progress
- Construction of groundwater monitoring and interception systems in accordance with earlier direction is now complete. This includes the construction of 18 monitoring wells, 11 interception wells to intercept groundwater at depth and several large sumps to intercept shallow groundwater flows. Further work may be undertaken depending on needs that may be identified as our monitoring work continues
- The new water treatment plant is expected to be commissioned soon.
- A significant amount of work remains to be completed on site and will be advanced in the coming months. This will include water management and treatment to prepare for freshet, investigations into stability of the heap leach facility and preparation for spring construction projects aimed at meeting regulatory requirements for physical and chemical stability at the mine site. This additional work may include further directions being issued to Victoria Gold by the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources.
Environmental monitoring
- Results from samples collected up to November 12 show that levels of cobalt and cyanide continue to increase in Haggart Creek, while mercury levels have stabilized.
- Results from surface water samples taken from Haggart Creek between September 30 and November 12 continue to show that groundwater contaminated by the heap leach failure has reached the creek.
- Cobalt and mercury exceeded water quality objectives of the mine’s water license, which are based on aquatic life guidelines at monitoring locations 3 km downstream of the mine site. Cyanide data is mostly above water quality objectives at these monitoring locations as well.
- The most recent water quality monitoring results and specific figures can be found online at
- In response to rising cobalt levels, health officials are increasing their diligence in monitoring cobalt levels in Haggart Creek, to ensure we remain confident that it remains well below Canada’s Water Quality Guidelines.
- While the levels of total mercury and other metals in Haggart Creek exceed water quality objectives, they do not pose a heightened risk to the health of residents or individuals using the land and water downstream of the mine. Yukoners should continue to avoid eating fish harvested in the immediate area of the mine.
Transparent communication
- The Government of Yukon remains committed to keeping key partners and members of the public informed about the situation at the Eagle Gold Mine site.
- During the winter season, the Government of Yukon will continue to provide regular updates on remediation efforts through information bulletins and on, but will transition from a weekly to a monthly schedule.
- Interim updates will be provided if the health and safety situation changes and as key remediation milestones occur.
- Water quality testing and monitoring will continue on a weekly basis and data will be posted on as results are received.
- The court-appointed Receiver also maintains a website dedicated to the Victoria Gold matter where all developments in the receivership are available to the public:
Media contact
John Thompson
Communications, Energy, Mines and Resources
Jake Wilson
Communications, Environment
News release #: