The hours for the border crossings have been updated in this news release.
As of 8 a.m. on Monday, April 6, Civil Emergency Measures Act (CEMA) Enforcement Officers have been placed at Yukon borders and at the Whitehorse airport as a measure to ensure that all travellers have the information they need to keep themselves and Yukoners safe from the spread of COVID-19.
These Government of Yukon enforcement officers will be collecting contact information of all travellers coming through Yukon or returning home, details of their 14-day self-isolation plans, and declarations of any symptoms of COVID-19. This information will allow CEMA Enforcement Officers to follow up and ensure that travellers are following self-isolation rules.
CEMA Enforcement Officers will be stationed at:
- Weigh scales on the Alaska Highway south of Watson Lake
- Weigh scales at the junction of the Alaska Highway and the Stewart-Cassiar Highway
- Whitehorse airport
The CEMA Enforcement Officers are also coordinating support for these measures with Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) and officials in the Northwest Territories (NWT) for the following border crossings:
- Fraser, BC border crossing
- Pleasant Camp, BC border crossing
- Beaver Creek border crossing
- Yukon-NWT border on the Dempster Highway
Anyone traveling into or through Yukon is required to self-isolate for 14 days. People transiting through Yukon to Alaska, NWT or other parts of Canada are required to complete their transit in Yukon within 24 hours of their entry, and shall avoid unnecessary contact with others when they stop for food or fuel. All Yukoners are reminded to practice safe physical distancing and to stay two metres (six feet) away from people outside of their household, wash their hands regularly, and cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue.
The Beaver Creek boarder is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Fraser boarder is open from 8 a.m. to midnight, seven days a week. The Pleasant Camp border is open from 8 a.m. to midnight, seven days a week.
Conservation Officers and Natural Resources Officers are being deployed at the Watson Lake border crossings to act as Civil Emergency Measures Act (CEMA) enforcement officers. These officers have the necessary training from their substantive duties and are also being trained on their additional authorities under the Civil Emergency Measures Act.
Other government officials are being utilized at Whitehorse Airport to meet incoming flights.
There will be no enforcement officers at the border between Atlin, BC and Yukon, as Atlin residents are exempted from the need to self-isolate, as long as they haven’t travelled outside of Yukon or Atlin in the past 14 days. The same exemptions also apply to residents of Lower Post, Fire Side, Jade City, Fraser and Pleasant Camp.
Plans are in place to make sure that services of Conservation Officers and Natural Resources Officers will also continue.
The Government of Yukon is coordinating with officials in Inuvik, NWT to ensure that travellers on the Dempster Highway receive the same information
Sunny Patch
Deputy Chief of Staff
Aisha Montgomery
Communications, Community Services