The Government of Yukon is providing $875,000 in funding to implement the new tourism development strategy, Sustainable Tourism. Our Path. Our Future.
Funding will address priority actions identified in the new strategy, including:
- establishing a task force to recommend an improved governance model for tourism;
- adopting a one government approach to tourism;
- developing a framework that measures the sustainability of tourism development;
- establishing Yukon as a premier destination for Indigenous tourism experiences;
- improving signage;
- marketing Yukon as a year-round destination; and
- supporting industry access to a skilled and experienced workforce.
Over the coming months the Government of Yukon will work with the Yukon Tourism Development Strategy Steering Committee and other tourism stakeholders and partners to collaborate on implementation of the strategy.
The tourism strategy was developed by Yukoners, for Yukoners, and everyone has a role to play in its success. The Government of Yukon is proud to endorse and provide funding to advance the vision and goals of the strategy, but we can’t do it alone. We look forward to working with our partners to sustainably grow tourism in the territory.
I applaud the Government of Yukon for supporting and funding the implementation of the Yukon Tourism Development Strategy. Tourism plays an important role in Yukon’s economy and this support and funding will help ensure that role is enhanced.
2019–20 funding breakdown:
- $300,000 to support Indigenous tourism
- $150,000 to begin improving signage
- $150,000 to establish a framework that measures the sustainability of tourism development
- $100,000 to support the implementation of the strategy
- $75,000 to advance experience development
- $50,000 to establish a task force to recommend a governance model for tourism
- $25,000 to survey Yukoners’ attitudes towards tourism
- $25,000 to extend the Steering Committee’s mandate to oversee implementation of the strategy
The Government of Yukon, the Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada and the Yukon First Nations Culture & Tourism Association signed a memorandum of understanding to support Indigenous tourism on December 12, 2018.
The Yukon Tourism Development Strategy Steering Committee recommended the strategy to the Government of Yukon on November 23, 2018.
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
Alicia Debreceni
Communications, Tourism and Culture