The Community Midwifery Association Yukon will receive $74,360 from the Government of Yukon’s Community Development Fund to research and document historic birth knowledge and culture.
The project will involve interviewing First Nations’ citizens and midwives throughout the territory in order to document stories of past midwifery practices. The information will be published in a booklet. The association hopes the project will honour and revitalize indigenous midwifery in Yukon.
Dr. Rachel Olson, a citizen of Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nation, will lead the research team.
Other recipients of Tier 2 funding from the September 15, 2017, intake include Raven Recycling, Northern Cultural Expressions Society, and Dawson City Football/Minor Soccer. Combined, the 10 organizations received $486,140 through the fund, which will provide more than 8,550 hours of employment for approximately 60 people.
The fund supports projects based upon merit and their ability to provide long-term social, cultural and economic benefits to Yukon communities.
Documenting traditional indigenous knowledge is important work. Documenting birthing practices in particular will allow indigenous women in Yukon to reconnect with their culture and traditions. We are pleased to fund this project, which will be carried out by the Community Midwifery Association Yukon.
The Community Midwifery Association Yukon is thrilled to be receiving funding from the Department of Economic Development and honoured to embark on this historic endeavour. The project will have social and cultural benefits for Yukon communities. It will create connections to past birthing culture and provide an understanding of traditional birth attendants and their methods. It is important to honour these indigenous roots and learn from them. The transition into motherhood can be the most important time in a woman’s life. It can have lasting effects on all of society.
The Community Development Fund is divided into three tiers with five intake deadlines:
- Tier I: Applications of $20,000 or less (intake deadlines in January, May, July and October).
- Tier 2: Applications of $20,001 to $75,000 (intake deadline in May and September).
- Tier 3: Applications of $75,001 or more (intake deadline in January)
Funding is available to Local Authorities for Recreation in unincorporated Yukon communities.
Community Development Fund Tier 2 approved projects
September 15, 2017 intake
Town of Watson Lake - $31,000 – To beautify the Town of Watson Lake, enhance community pride, increase tourism and local spending by encouraging private investment in property façade improvements. This project aims to improve the community appearance to create a positive environment that may act as a catalyst for local economic development. The project will create 650 hours of employment for 10-20 people. Contact: Cam Lockwood at (867) 536-8000.
Community Midwifery Association Yukon - $74,360 – This research project will document Yukon First Nations' historical knowledge of midwives and midwifery practice. It aims to honour indigenous roots and capture knowledge with the publication of a booklet. The project will create 589 hours of employment for two researchers. Contact: Kathleen Cranfield at (867) 335-4229.
Dawson City Football Club/Dawson City Minor Soccer - $73,362 – To upgrade the soccer venue with landscaping, a new shelter, fence, sprinkler system, and replacement of the lawn tractor. The field and shelter are an important community space for informal gatherings, programming, and competitions. The project will create 350 hours of employment for 14 people. Contact: Irwin Gaw at (867) 335-6610.
B.Y.T.E Empowering Youth Society - $36,990 – B.Y.T.E. will partner with the Youth Achievement Centre to complete another 2 kilometres of the Grey Mountain Dream Trail. This will provide youth-at-risk with employment, and supports community wellness. The project will create 1,288 hours of employment for nine people. Contact: Shelby Maunder at (867) 667-7975.
Village of Carmacks - $71,500 – To renovate the recreation centre’s viewing area, change-rooms and fitness space. The renovations will enhance the centre’s service to the community. The project will create 5,000 hours of employment for 10 people. Contact: Cory Bellmore at (867) 863-6271.
Yukon River Marathon Paddlers Association - $44,864 – To celebrate 20 years of the Yukon River Quest by honouring current and past paddlers, staff, volunteers and sponsors through special events hosted in Whitehorse, Carmacks and Dawson City. Contact: Roger Hanberg at (867) 333-5628.
Klondike Placer Miners Association - $20,128 – To design and install two welcome signs in the proposed boundaries of UNESCO World Heritage site on the North Klondike Hwy and the Top of the World Hwy. This will commemorate the history of the Klondike. Contact: Jonas Smith at (867) 667-2267.
Northern Cultural Expressions Society - $23,400 – To hire a consultant to conduct policy revision/development and review human resources requirements that reflect the vision and mandate of the organization. The project will create 210 hours of employment for one person. Contact: Tanya Silverfox at (867) 633-4186.
Raven Recycling Society - $55,536 – To host a Recycling and Zero Waste Working Forum in Whitehorse in March 2018. This two-day event will bring together community depot managers, First Nation and Yukon government officials, Zero Waste stakeholders and the public to address operational and policy issues around waste management, recycling and effective Zero Waste strategies. The project will create 465 hours of employment for three people. Contact: Joy Snyder at (867) 667-7269.
Liard First Nation - $55,000 – To build a website as a first step to improving communications and encouraging greater participation among Liard First Nation members. It should also help to attract economic partnerships that bring new economic opportunities to the region. Contact: Irene van Nieuwkerk at (867) 536-7901.
Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications
Juliann Fraser
Communications, Economic Development
Kathleen Cranfield
President, Community Midwifery Association Yukon