Government of Yukon declares State of Emergency for Mayo and surrounding area

Following a special meeting of the Executive Council and conversations with Mayo Mayor Trevor Ellis and First Nation of Na-cho Nyäk Dun Chief Dawna Hope, the Government of Yukon has declared a state of emergency under the Civil Emergency Measures Act for Mayo and surrounding areas affected by, or at risk of, wildfire.

This is a localized state of emergency that covers a 15 km radius from the centre of the community. This declaration supports the municipal state of emergency declared by the Village of Mayo on Sunday August 6, which expired today at 3:30 pm.

The Talbot Creek Fire continues to threaten the Village of Mayo and the Na-cho Nyäk Dun First Nation community. Wildland Fire Management, in collaboration with the Village of Mayo Volunteer Fire Department, the RCMP, the Special Heavy Operations Team (SHOT), and other response agencies continue safeguarding the community.

This emergency declaration helps responders and law enforcement working with local partners to manage the situation, including making sure people stay out of harm’s way. While evacuation alerts and orders can be issued without a state of emergency, this declaration provides absolute clarity to our responders that they have full authority to protect persons and property, maintain and control the use of roads and streets, assist law enforcement and conduct any other activities considered necessary to save this community from fire. We are hopeful this will be a temporary measure and want to thank emergency responders, who are working tirelessly to protect the lives and property of area residents. We thank them for everything they’re doing under these extraordinary and difficult circumstances.

Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn

Together the community of Mayo and the Government of Yukon are working to ensure that all Mayo residents are safe and that their livelihoods are protected. This territorial declaration of a state of emergency will ensure that first responders have the ability and authority to continue to do this important work. 

Mayo Mayor Trevor Ellis

We agree with and support the extension of the state of emergency for our community and want to thank everyone working to protect our territory from these wildfire threats. Together, we are working to ensure that Na-Cho Nyäk Dun citizens and Mayo residents are protected from wildfire threats. 

First Nation of Na-Cho Nyäk Dun Chief Dawna Hope

Media contact

Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications

Julia Duchesne
Communications, Community Services

News release #:
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