Government of Yukon representatives returned from Dawson City after holding important discussions with municipalities during the Association of Yukon Communities’ annual general meeting. Agenda items included cannabis legalization, infrastructure and the Government of Yukon’s five-year capital plan.
Premier Sandy Silver confirmed with municipalities that they will be included in the carbon pricing rebate framework along with First Nations governments.
Additionally, Community Services Minister John Streicker announced that work is now beginning to improve Yukon’s solid waste management system in response to recommendations from the joint Ministerial Committee on Solid Waste.
The Government of Yukon is pleased to have participated in the annual general meeting of the Association of Yukon Communities and looks forward to future discussions on keeping Yukon’s municipalities vital and strong.
Our government heard municipalities loud and clear. We will expand the scope of our original commitment and include municipalities in the carbon pricing rebate framework, helping to build resilient and sustainable communities in the face of a changing climate. We look forward to working with Yukoners, businesses, municipalities and First Nations as we make strides toward developing the rebate.
Our municipalities are dedicated to serving their communities, and it is great to be partners with them and AYC. It was a pleasure to discuss shared priorities, especially immediate actions we will take to improve Yukon’s solid waste management system. We look forward to continuing to work together with the AYC to build healthy, vibrant and sustainable Yukon communities.
The Association of Yukon Communities was founded in 1974 with a focus on establishing responsible government at the community level and providing a united approach to community ambitions.
This was the 43rd annual general meeting of the Association of Yukon Communities.
Government of Yukon attendees included Premier Sandy Silver, as well as Ministers Streicker, Mostyn and Dendys.
Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications
Diana Dryburgh
Communications, Community Services