Joint news release with the City of Whitehorse and the Association of Yukon Communities
The Government of Yukon, Association of Yukon Communities and City of Whitehorse will begin work immediately on recommendations to improve the territory’s solid waste management system.
Minister of Community Services John Streicker made the announcement during the Association of Yukon Communities annual general meeting in Dawson City.
Immediate priorities include creating a regionalization strategy to more efficiently concentrate landfill and transfer sites; adopting best practices at our solid waste management facilities; and adding materials to the Designated Materials Regulation.
Action items will take place in both the short- and long-term, with the ultimate goal of making the territory’s solid waste system more efficient, cost-effective and sustainable.
Yukon’s current solid waste management system is not sustainable and it is time to take action. We are very proud to begin work with our partners to move Yukon towards a more efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable solid waste system for the benefit of all Yukoners.
Waste management is a priority for the City of Whitehorse, and we were happy to participate on the Ministerial Committee looking at the issue territory-wide. The City of Whitehorse is pleased to support these recommendations and is looking forward to helping all our citizens take action and responsibility for waste.
We are extremely pleased with the Yukon government's response to the recommendations that were put forward by the joint Ministerial Committee on Solid Waste. By supporting responsible waste management, recycling and diversion, the recommendations will help reduce waste and illegal dumping. As well, the recommendations will support municipalities as they provide vital services to Yukoners.
The recommendations were outlined in a report jointly drafted by the Government of Yukon, Association of Yukon Communities and City of Whitehorse.
The recommendations were informed by discussions with all partners as well as previous work, such as the Association of Yukon Communities’ Solid Waste Strategy.
Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications
Aisha Montgomery
Communications, Community Services