Government of Yukon announces minimum wage review

Minister of Community Services John Streicker announced today that he will ask the Employment Standards Board to conduct a review of Yukon’s minimum wage. 

The review will follow recent increases and announced increases to the minimum wage in other Canadian jurisdictions that will see Yukon’s minimum wage drop to 7th place in Canada by May 2018. 

When conducting a minimum wage review, the Employment Standards Board analyzes minimum wage trends throughout Canada and examines relevant data from the Yukon Bureau of Statistics. The Board also reviews best practices for implementing potential minimum wage changes and consults with stakeholders – including the business community and labour organizations – about the potential impacts on businesses and their employees. 

The minimum wage review will take approximately six months to complete, after which the Board will make recommendations to the Minister of Community Services for any changes to minimum wage rates and other regulations surrounding minimum wage.


By May, 11 Canadian jurisdictions will have raised or announced plans to raise their minimum wage in the past year alone, dropping Yukon into the lower half nationally. In anticipation of these changes, our government believes it is time for a review of Yukon’s wage to ensure it remains competitive within the national context and balances the needs of both employers and their employees.

Minister of Community Services John Streicker

Quick facts
  • On April 1 each year, Yukon’s minimum wage increases according to the annual increase in the Whitehorse Consumer Price Index. The annual increase for 2018 will not be affected by the minimum wage review.

  • Yukon’s minimum wage is currently $11.32 and will increase to $11.51 on April 1, 2018, based on the Whitehorse Consumer Price Index for 2017.

  • Yukon’s minimum wage currently ranks 6th highest in the country. 

  • The last review of the minimum wage was conducted in 2012, and resulted in an increase of $1.03 per hour above the Consumer Price Index increase.

Media contact

Sunny Patch
Cabinet Communications

Bonnie Venton Ross
Communications, Community Services

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