The Government of Yukon is pleased to announce the latest recipients of its Arts Fund, Advanced Artist Award and On Yukon Time arts funding programs. Representing approximately $345,000, the three funding streams were boosted this spring with additional funds, expanded eligibility and extra intake dates to help offset the effects of COVID-19 across the arts sector.
For this intake of Arts Fund, just under $110,000 was split between nine Yukon organizations for a variety of performances, displays and community arts development. Recipients include the Selkirk First Nation, Yukon Transportation Museum and the Yukon School of Visual Arts.
Designed to assist the territory’s elite artists with projects and personal development, a special intake of the Advanced Artist Award saw $150,000 in funding conferred to 22 Yukon artists in the mediums of film, music, poetry, painting, textiles and more.
Through the On Yukon Time program, 22 recipients ranging from musicians, carvers, writers, theatre troupes and community organizations have been awarded a total of just under $85,000. This intake of the On Yukon Time program was adapted for COVID-19 to include responses to the pandemic, and performances designed to work within the realities of physical distancing and other health restrictions.
Details for the projects and beneficiaries are listed in the related information links below.
Yukon artists and community arts organizations continue to adapt and persevere in a time of crisis and uncertainty, offering both interpretation and outlet for Yukoners. The Government of Yukon congratulates each and every recipient and we are proud to lend added support through the evolving circumstances of our new normal.
The Arts Fund was increased to $625,000 total with an additional April intake for $125,000.
The Advanced Artist Award was increased by $75,000. This one-time increase made $150,000 available during this intake to support artists to enhance their artistic professional development.
The On Yukon Time fund was adapted to focus on interpretations and responses to the pandemic, creative expressions highlighting the importance of community and the celebration of ingenuity in the face adversity.
Janine Workman
Cabinet Communications
Cameron Webber
Communications, Tourism and Culture